Ice cream stain??


New member
May 4, 2007
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My lovely wife dropped some McDonald's ice cream on the driver's seat of our SUV. It was vanilla so no real stain but even after some OTC fabric cleaner you can still see the faint outline of the stain. I am assuming its the oil base that they make their fake ice cream out of. Is there anyway to completely remove this from the fabric or will it just fade over time?

Thanks, Pat.
hmmm oil based? maybe it is the proteins in the dairy. anyhow a hot water extractor always gets it out for me.
Try Folex, it's available at Home Depot. About 5 bucks for the large bottle. You'll find it with the Simple Green, carpet shampoos, etc.
I actually have some Folex lying around here....I will give it a go.

Thanks, Pat.
Folex or woolite/distilled water at 10:1
Also what you might already know but i have noticed that when spot cleaning some cloth seats there is a color difference where the cleaner was. Might this be what you are seeing?