Product review...OTC vs. Boutique


New member
May 4, 2007
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I am just a rookie who likes to keep his vehicle clean. I have learned alot on these forums and I would like to give back some info that I just discovered myself. Always see lots of questions on this site concerning what type of product to use to detail interior plastics. Since 90% of our time in our vehicles is spent inside I guess it stands to reason we would like that area to be nice. Well this morning I found an OTC product that someone else bought me awhile ago. It was unopened, of course, so I figured what the heck. A quick wipe down wouldn't hurt and I could determine if I could really see any difference over my regular interior spray. Conditioins were perfect, heavy rain overnight and the sun had just broken the clouds so panels were room temp and no warmer. Panels not even really dusty so all the product had to do was dress the plastic.

Here is our OTC product...


Here are three shots of the panels after wiping and allowing product to dry. Look closely at the area real close to the fabric and around the speaker where I tried not to get too close to the edge. Is it just me or does it appear to have left some serious off colour residue.




So now its the PB Natural Look dressings turn. To be honest I have noticed some streaking with this if you don't cover completely and if the plastic is too warm a good look can be a challenge. Like I said though conditions were almost ideal for outdoors. Cool and plastic room temp at best. Plus it had warmed up just a touch so plastic was warmer for the PB than the OTC wipes.




I don't know about you but these look a tad bit nicer than the finish left by our first contender. Chalky look is gone. I was almost tempted to use a real cleaner on the panels first to completely remove whatever junk that OTC left behind but the PB seemed to clean it up.


So here goes my final review.

Ease of use--- OTC- just pull a wipe and go

Portability------OTC- Can keep these in vehicle at all times

Smell----------PB-- Love that light cherry scent--OTC no smell really

Cost----------PB-- OTC was gift but only 25 wipes wouldn't go far..PB
usually get a whole year for one bottle

Finish---------PB-- I think the pictures speak for themselves. I was quite
surprised to see the huge difference in the finshes. Gray
panels it wasn't really noticeable so I guess if your car
is all gray than wipe away but on dark colour like Black
I will keep my PB .

Hope this helps someone when they are standing in the WalMart aisle and they see this stuff on sale. I know the thought is well it must work OK. Not OK in my books..Just order what you need in advance and leave the OTC wipes for the next victim.

The good stuff really makes a difference. I used to be a Vinylex guy, which in my opinion is a great product, a little shiny but works great. They I tried 303 Protectant and have made the switch. It may not clean like Vinylex, but I preclean with an APC anyway so it doesn't matter. nice review
I should give that 303 a try Bryan. I see alot of good reviews on that product. I guess theres a reason its twice as expensive as good ole ArmorAll eh. I cringe when I see that ArmorAll look all over an interior.

I should give that 303 a try Bryan. I see alot of good reviews on that product. I guess theres a reason its twice as expensive as good ole ArmorAll eh. I cringe when I see that ArmorAll look all over an interior.

Durability is quite good and there is less shine then Vinylex, get some from Chris.
I like Poorboys Natural Shine and cannot remember if Megs offering has an UV protection. I apply mine with a foamy and original pop lid, never thought about spray head.
Spray head came with the product so I just mist it on microfibre mitt or towel and wipe it on. I know that I used to use way too much when I first got the product last year. I bet I could get two years out of a bottle now.

Not safe to put shiney stuff on dash. I would look for really low luster protector or just wash once is a while. Higher luster also looks cheesey.

The thread was started in 2008 so I guess the pictures were taken off the image server.