side swirls


New member
Apr 23, 2006
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Why are the hood ,roof trunk always have more and heavier swirls than the sides??

my car had such small light swirls on the sides compared to the bombs i had top side.......:o
Some of it has to do with the angle you are looking at it. There are probably more swirls than you can really notice when you look at it like you do. The other reason is because your car is pounded by wind on the sides and the dust in the wind will cause more swirls.
light reflects off the sharp edges of a scratch, and light more easily reflects off of the flat surfaces. If there on the top more than likely they are all over, just not as easily seen.
On my truck, the scratches/swirls are most visible on the curved edge of where my hood goes from the top to the side. Drives me absolutely insane. It's 100% to blame on my claying job.
P1et said:
On my truck, the scratches/swirls are most visible on the curved edge of where my hood goes from the top to the side. Drives me absolutely insane. It's 100% to blame on my claying job.

How does this lead back to your claying job??
The direction you run the clay over your car can cause small scratches. Especially if you are using dirty clay or claying a really dirty paint surface. That grit has to go somewhere... Since polishing is usually the next step after claying, the scratches really don't bother me very much. They won't last long. ;)
BILL said:
Why are the hood ,roof trunk always have more and heavier swirls than the sides??

my car had such small light swirls on the sides compared to the bombs i had top side.......:o
It's obvious that dust/dirt when lands, can sit on those surfaces, where it is much more difficult for it to be attached to the sides.

Gotta be very carefull when washing it off and use proper tools and you should be alright.

How often do you wash your vehicle? And what color is it?