where are the wholesale products?


New member
Aug 31, 2008
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I have been reading threads dealing with starting a detail business, and sadly, all of the products here at AG seem to be left out of the mix. Cited are high cost of product, retail product quantities as opposed to wholesale quantities, and (my favorite) it isn't the product, it's the application and process.

1. If these products aren't superior, then why do enthusiasts swear by them?

2. Is professionalism determined by how much elbow grease you put into the work, or by the final result? If I can get the same result with less effort, then isn't that worth it? I mean, I can detail more cars in less time with products that allow me to do the job faster, can't I?

3. Why aren't the products here available in wholesale sizes? Even if the unit price is a little more than other (lesser) products, just the savings of buying 1-gallon (or 5-gallon) sizes (over the 16 oz. squirt/spray bottles) would be enough to justify their use in a professional setting, not to mention allowing for more cost effective pricing for services, wouldn't it?

4. As we all know, the average joe isn't going to detail their car every few months. Most of the videos I've watched here at AG show cars that, by the standard of the average joe, aren't even dirty. I mean, wheel cleaning video (for example). What brake dust? I couldn't see any, and the before and after pictures show only a slight difference in shine in comparison to each other. That's fine for an enthusiast who keeps their car looking showroom new all the time. For the most part, the cars I'll be dealing with will likely have months (if not years) of buildup. Yes it will take longer to do these jobs, but am I to understand that I can get the same result from some unknown (to the end customer) brand as opposed to say Pinnacle or Wolfgang? Wouldn't product recognition figure into my sales? I mean, if a customer sees a banner for Pinnacle products, and is familiar with the brand name, wouldn't that lend to greater chances of selling that service as opposed to them seeing a unlabeled squeeze bottle and a 5-gallon jug of XYZ brand?

I want to offer my customers good service using the best, and most well-known, brands that I can.
Alot of the products here on AG are used by professionals and the avg Joe.
1. What products are you referring to?
2. Professionalism is determined by your attitude and how you present yourself. The results speak for your work, you can't cut corners and expect to get the great results.
3. If a company that AG sells makes a gallon or more size Im sure AG can get a hold of the item for you.
4. The videos posted are to show people a how to do a specific job, the videos I have watched do just that. A professional may not benefit from these vids but they do greatly help AG's customers mostly just car enthusiasts. Someone comes into my garage they will see no banners, I do have gallon size bottles of products with lables, some smaller bottles and lots of no labled bottles. The no labeled bottles are to get the products into a more managable container. Im sure if your customer is familiar with detailing and products they would understand why you have products in regular bottles with marker on them
1. What products are you referring to?

I read 3 different threads. I didn't make note of all of the products mentioned, just that many (it seems) professional detailers buy in bulk from their local distributor and don't buy the high-end products like Pinnacle or Wolfgang.

2. Professionalism is determined by your attitude and how you present yourself. The results speak for your work, you can't cut corners and expect to get the great results.

I was not talking about professionalism in terms of attitude, presentation and otherwise good people skills. I was referring to the quality of work produced. I was not talking about cutting corners. There is a difference between side-stepping to save time and using a superior product that reduces the effort and time required to do a job.

3. If a company that AG sells makes a gallon or more size Im sure AG can get a hold of the item for you.

Which was the main point to this thread, and the post following yours gave me exactly what I was looking for: bulk purchasing. Thanks killrwheels!

4. The videos posted are to show people a how to do a specific job, the videos I have watched do just that. A professional may not benefit from these vids but they do greatly help AG's customers mostly just car enthusiasts. Someone comes into my garage they will see no banners, I do have gallon size bottles of products with lables, some smaller bottles and lots of no labled bottles. The no labeled bottles are to get the products into a more managable container. Im sure if your customer is familiar with detailing and products they would understand why you have products in regular bottles with marker on them

I understand the purpose of the videos. I was merely pointing out that the time and effort required to do any of these tasks may be greater if you're dealing with a vehicle that has not been properly maintained. A few videos like that would go along way toward helping average joe understand what's involved in making their car look better. In addition, it would help those of us who are returning to the field after years of absense to see how much things have changed in dealing with problems like extreme brake dust, heavily soiled paint, etc.

I would use a banner simply because I want my customers to know what products I'm using. And I've heard more than once about people asking their local detailing shops about products like Wolfgang or Pinnacle, and these supposed professionals have never heard of them. I want to be the one who says, "Yes, I know that brand. [further discussion about pros and cons]. I use [major brand] because [more explanation]." I think that would also lend to increasing the chances of getting a customer as opposed to the customer walking out with, "Oh. OK. I guess I'll keep checking around."
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i can say this that most detail shops by me use high volume detail chemicals/waxes ect. 5 gallon 55 gallon drums. carbrite /gliptone/pro/ect. these are ok ive used them .but not nearly as good as pinnacle ect.
if your going to detail cars and use higher end products then i would charge more.a/g products are geared towards more higher end detailing .and car nutts like ourselfs..:D
most people around me never even heard of the stuff i use . they only know the mequires crap:p woops did i say that . sorry to all the mequires fans:D