I need help with a Ford probe


New member
Mar 16, 2008
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okay so after finishing my rsx I told my dad i would do the hood of his 97 probe gt.. anyways i went at it with the compound on an orange pad.. did about 3 passes and it did absolutely nothing! i was confused.. but continued anyways and polished with white pad.. same thing like only 10% of things are gone.. this clearcoat has got to be really hard or something.. i just recieved 4 inch pads in the mail that I ordered.. do you recommend I use those? ive been using 6.5 inch pads..
Your using a PC? What products are you using? The 4" pad will cut a lot better then the 6.5" pads.
You will see a big difference between the 6.5" and 4" pads for correction. Remember least aggressive first.
^^ its so true, got my 4" pads last week and noticed the difference after a first pass. Still use 6.5" pads to apply wax and such.
my best friend had a Probe back in the day, we use to use Megs DACP (polish) and PC with nice results.
okay so I went at it again.. first I asked my dad if the car was repainted.. it was by the pervious owner.. hes had it for a year and ahalf now.. anyways I went at it with the orange 4 inch + compound.. i have to do about 5 passes until I finally saw about 60% of the stuff gone.. I said screw it its taking way to long and this was with moving the pad extremely slowly like a snail and putting down quite a bit of force.. i just told my dad his car is unpolishable lol.. im just gonna clay the whole thing and give it back.. i hope i never run into a car with that kinda clear again.. its rock hard
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What compound are you using? Could you be seeing the marks left behind from the compound? After using a compund you will need a less abbrassive polish.
lol no not seeing marks left behind from compound.. im using optimum compound