View Full Version : Car Got Egged

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08-06-2006, 09:27 AM
Last night, due to the hard work of some neighborhood buttheads (putting it nicely), my car (which I detailed completely on Friday) was egged.

It was a direct hit over the wheel-well leaving one of those (if you have ever seen one) spirally-chipped paint swirls on my 6-month old car :(

I imagine the only thing that could be done is a trip to the body shop to have the area repainted.

Is there anything I could do other than repaint?

Sad Joe.

08-06-2006, 10:54 AM
That sucks Joe. I feel your pain. You can't have anything without someone trying to take it away. The cops don't care, so its no use to report. Parents don't believe that little Johnny did such a thing.

Hard boil some eggs and remove the shells. Soak them in vinegar for about a week, then egg their cars. Paint comes off. They won't egg your car, or anyone else's anymore because this will be in their memory. Just make sure that you were not the only one egged, or they'll know who it is.

My buddy's neighbor and some friends shot a bottle rocket into his vette and it left a burn on the paint. Next day, no one involved with the bottle rockets had any tires.

Sounds harsh, but some things across the line. In high school, I knew that eggers were on the prowl for a couple of weekends. I also knew when they were coming to our neighborhood. I parked the good cars away from the street and waited in the weeds with a basket of railroad ballast rocks (about egg size). When the first egg flew, the rocks flew. Egging stopped. Another solution is to set a trap for them, but do it away from your house. Find out if they will be egging and wait in the bushes with a paintball gun. When their windows come down, open up without remorse.

One time a professor (not one of mine) at college opened his door into mine and left a scratch / dent about the size of an egg. I was a measured 3 feet from him, so there was no excuse. I went to his office and asked him to come look at what he had done. He acted like I was crazy and a little dent was nothing. I called the cops and then he tried to deny that it was he who did it. The cop took a loose piece of paint from his door that was from my car for evidence and he had to pay for my door to be fixed. It was just like $250, but I would have paid for his car that I damaged. Actually, I have paid for someone's car that I damaged.

There was a group of punks who kept smashing mailboxes in the country. A farmer got tired of replacing / mending his box (and calling apathetic parents), so he covered the box with 1/4 steel plate. A punk went to the hospital over that one when he tried to smash it with an aluminum baseball bat whilke driving at 30 mph.

08-06-2006, 11:11 AM
Last night, due to the hard work of some neighborhood buttheads (putting it nicely), my car (which I detailed completely on Friday) was egged.

It was a direct hit over the wheel-well leaving one of those (if you have ever seen one) spirally-chipped paint swirls on my 6-month old car :(

I imagine the only thing that could be done is a trip to the body shop to have the area repainted.

Is there anything I could do other than repaint?

Sad Joe.

Same thing happened to me earlier this summer. Luckily it was a small panel where the eggshell shattered the clear.
I had it repainted for $167. No way I could touch it up. The pattern was the same as the texture on an eggshell. Lots of small holes.

I am glad I didn't see/catch the punks that night :mad:

08-06-2006, 11:18 AM
You can get a good deal if you remove the fender (front only) and take it to them. My friend got a fender painted for $100 this way. Its a better job if they paint the fender with it removed anyway because most shops just mask off the adjacent areas and paint. They'll need the paint codes from your glovebox.

Call them first. They may not guarantee the work if you do the removal / installation.

08-06-2006, 11:44 AM
That sucks Joe. I feel your pain. You can't have anything without someone trying to take it away. The cops don't care, so its no use to report. Parents don't believe that little Johnny did such a thing.

Hard boil some eggs and remove the shells. Soak them in vinegar for about a week, then egg their cars. Paint comes off. They won't egg your car, or anyone else's anymore because this will be in their memory. Just make sure that you were not the only one egged, or they'll know who it is.

My buddy's neighbor and some friends shot a bottle rocket into his vette and it left a burn on the paint. Next day, no one involved with the bottle rockets had any tires.

Sounds harsh, but some things across the line. In high school, I knew that eggers were on the prowl for a couple of weekends. I also knew when they were coming to our neighborhood. I parked the good cars away from the street and waited in the weeds with a basket of railroad ballast rocks (about egg size). When the first egg flew, the rocks flew. Egging stopped. Another solution is to set a trap for them, but do it away from your house. Find out if they will be egging and wait in the bushes with a paintball gun. When their windows come down, open up without remorse.

One time a professor (not one of mine) at college opened his door into mine and left a scratch / dent about the size of an egg. I was a measured 3 feet from him, so there was no excuse. I went to his office and asked him to come look at what he had done. He acted like I was crazy and a little dent was nothing. I called the cops and then he tried to deny that it was he who did it. The cop took a loose piece of paint from his door that was from my car for evidence and he had to pay for my door to be fixed. It was just like $250, but I would have paid for his car that I damaged. Actually, I have paid for someone's car that I damaged.

There was a group of punks who kept smashing mailboxes in the country. A farmer got tired of replacing / mending his box (and calling apathetic parents), so he covered the box with 1/4 steel plate. A punk went to the hospital over that one when he tried to smash it with an aluminum baseball bat whilke driving at 30 mph.

I think that "turn the other cheek" is the better motto, at least on a public forum. :p

08-06-2006, 12:14 PM
All, sorry about that. I get angry when I hear about people doing this crap, even if I don't know the victim.

08-06-2006, 12:28 PM
Home depot and get some of the strongest paint remover (aircraft).........

08-06-2006, 08:31 PM
Thanks guys for the kind (and not so kind words). I called the cops just to find out if there were any other incidents yesterday....none :-(. Problem is, my neighborhood has a lot of seasonal renters in the summer and with the summer rentals come parties and drunk a**holes.

There is always something....early last fall my boat got mucked around with and now the car. What really bugs me is the flashback of doing the morning dishes only to look out the window with the thought...."oh crap...I hope that is bird sh*t on my fender".

I am just glad that I put on a thick coat of wax yesterday. I think that saved me from having any egg-goo damage...just impact damage.

Did I mention I hate vandals?

Looks like I am keeping the front light on to keep the riff-raff away. God help them if I catch them.


08-06-2006, 09:04 PM
I think that "turn the other cheek" is the better motto, at least on a public forum. :p

Once anyhow.....twice------you're mine!:mad:

08-06-2006, 09:37 PM
So sorry to hear the bad news! the world is vile!

08-06-2006, 09:41 PM
Thanks guys for the kind (and not so kind words). I called the cops just to find out if there were any other incidents yesterday....none :-(. Problem is, my neighborhood has a lot of seasonal renters in the summer and with the summer rentals come parties and drunk a**holes.

There is always something....early last fall my boat got mucked around with and now the car. What really bugs me is the flashback of doing the morning dishes only to look out the window with the thought...."oh crap...I hope that is bird sh*t on my fender".

I am just glad that I put on a thick coat of wax yesterday. I think that saved me from having any egg-goo damage...just impact damage.

Did I mention I hate vandals?

Looks like I am keeping the front light on to keep the riff-raff away. God help them if I catch them.


you think your ticked off now, just wait until someone breaks into and vandalizes your home, then steals your car from your own driveway! Man, talk about feeling violated! Yes, this happened to me.

So.....things could be worse for sure!;)

08-07-2006, 01:26 AM
I think that people like that should be deported from U.S. to Iraq or something. For lifetime. And take their passport away. I wanna see how they will egg cars out there. I would pay to see that.

08-07-2006, 12:14 PM
I was dating this girl years and years ago. Her dad was loading something in the back of my truck and his belt nicely scratched the side of the bed. I politely asked him to pay for it. My girlfriend at the time couldn't believe that I dared to ask for that. I said that I didn't care who did it, a white scratch on a red truck doesn't look that good, especially when you're anal like I am.

He paid to have to side of the bed repainted.

We didn't date much after that.

08-07-2006, 04:45 PM
I was dating this girl years and years ago. Her dad was loading something in the back of my truck and his belt nicely scratched the side of the bed. I politely asked him to pay for it. My girlfriend at the time couldn't believe that I dared to ask for that. I said that I didn't care who did it, a white scratch on a red truck doesn't look that good, especially when you're anal like I am.

He paid to have to side of the bed repainted.

We didn't date much after that.

Consider you likely took a scratch or two out of his daughter, I would have called it even. :awesome:

08-07-2006, 05:02 PM
Consider you likely took a scratch or two out of his daughter, I would have called it even. :awesome:Or maybe given her an indent of her own:D :awesome: