Removing fish odor..?


New member
Sep 3, 2007
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Is there an odor eliminator strong enough to get rid of fish odor on AG? A guy wants me to detail his car and try to get rid of the smell of fish in his car, he spilled some in the trunk of his G35. I don't own an extractor and I don't think my simple odor-eliminators would be strong enough for it (the trunk). Any advice?

Just noticed this was my first post on AG..Hey! Haha.
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Hmmm I would shampoo the crap out of the carpets and than I think DP or DG makes a good odor eliminator.

A good thing is that in the trunk there probably isnt too much padding under the carpet to absorb the smell.

I would def. do that part first on the detail though so you can let it all dry out and see if it worked.
When it comes to odors that are hanging around far longer than they should, it's more than likely that the carpet has absorbed the odor and keeps releasing it. Just pull out the whole trunk mat and use any carpet cleaner and a carpet brush and scrub away for a bit. Most carpet & upholstery cleaners have their own scent that will override any other odor that carpets may have already absorbed.
Alright, thanks guys. I have the carpet brush attachment for my PC, so would using that with some DP total interior cleaner suffice? And Should I be able to find the Meg's odor eliminator in Autozone/usual OTC place?
I would first use the Duragloss Odor Eliminator on area effected. I then would use one of those whole car foggers.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!....I'm just waiting for the knuckleheads to chirp in with their sick and perverted (yet funny)!!! :righton: :D :cheers: :cheers: