couple of product questions


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Aug 3, 2007
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couple of product questions DP cleanse all MEGS APC and BLack Wow

1: heres one situation im trying to remedy on my car. the last time i did a full detail i noticed either some WG DGPS or souveran on some of the black trim/rubber moulding on my car. looking to get rid of it

ok i have a few question about a couple of different products

2. black wow says to avoid painted surfaces, how hard is it to remove if it gets on the painted surface? any adverse affects on glass?

3. DP Cleanse-All says it should be used for cleaning glass surfaces. why? what happens?
what about if the DP just gets sprayed on it but not rubbed in?

4. Megs APC i noticed is mainly advertised as an interior cleaner but i see a lot of people use it on exterior. is everyone using the 10:1 ratio for light cleaning and 4:1 for heavy cleaning on the exterior as well? mostly looking to use it on wheel wells right now and tires, possibly for my trim/moulding problem

the black wow was bought for a diff car im going to work on one weekend so just trying to get feedback on it

the DP and MEGS were mostly bought for me :) just trying to get tips and advice
would either be ok for cleaning my black trim/moulding?

i dont think my trim is bad enough to warrant the use of black wow, id rather save it for the most needed trim

*edit: sorry its so jumbled but there wasnt a nice neat way of asking everything
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My experience with Black Wow was pretty disappointing. I interpreted it as magic in a bottle for anything black and that is not the case. It is not good on rubber or items that are like black rubberized trim pieces. What it did/does work well on was hard textured plastic.

I avoided paint of course due to recommendations but you can't help but get some on paint and my experience was it was fairly easy to get off of a well protected paint. I don't think getting small amounts off of glass would be to hard either...
thanks for the feedback, i did mean that i got either sealant or wax on rubber moulding but had a brain fart and said trim. like i said i was hoping not to even have to use the BW on these pieces and the stains are still fresh and i feel i should be able to get it off somehow with one of the other 2 products

and the paint on the car i originally bought the BW for is not very well protected if at all!

anyone with help on points 1, 3 and 4?
As for #1 I got WG DGPS on my antenna so I ordered "Wax Blaster" from AG and was amazed it worked so well on my Satellite/GPS Antenna that I tried it on my wife’s 2000 Ford Windstar cowling, the results were super, comes in a liquid shoe polish type bottle with that rubber and foam top so a little goes a long way.
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sweet, just looked for it and looks great, like the tip too, looks like it would be perfect for the thin weather stripping/moulding
thanks for the suggestion
peanut butter removes wax from trim, some has suggested Pinnacle Paste can also due to the oils. Wax Blaster is also available.

I too have moved past Black Wow. It can get very messy and will run when wet unless set with cold water. It looks nice, and the watermelon smell is delicious but it needs a better curing agent.

For weatherstriping and rubber surrounds I use the Einszett Rubber Stick. Cheap, dries quickly, and looks nice for months.
I found that DP cleanse all worked really well on black plastic trim for removing old wax... I diluted it 1:1 and it worked just fine. It gets kind of greasy on glass, but cleans off really well with just your regular wash or glass cleaner.
thanks for all the feedback everyone!

since most likely i will be washing the car before my next order comes in im going to try the DP cleanse all, but am ordering wax blaster for the times when i notice it a day after a washing.

Peanut butter is far too yummy to use on the car, besides, i have enough trouble fighting the dog for it, lol.

ive been hearing a bunch of yeys of Einszett around the forums, so i think im going to pick up a couple of their products too and try them out