Polishing stages


New member
Aug 4, 2008
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When doing the various stages of polishing, do you guys work on one section at a time. IE.. do a pass of SSR 2.5 and then a pass of SSR 1 right atter. Or do you do the whole car with 2.5, and then follow up with the final. Just wondering because I plan on taping off the car in sections. Hope my question makes sense.
Either way will work. Some people prefer to stick to one product and do the whole vehicle at one time whereas others focus at one panel at a time, getting it perfect (2.5 and then 1, etc) and then moving on to the next panel. I would think that in the end they'd take about the same amount of time.
If you were doing it on different day's, then I would agree on finishing one panel at a time. If you are doing the complete job in a day, I would think it would take a lot of time changing pads and product.
Yeah this will most likely be a 1 day polishing session. I'll just plan to do the whole car with SSR 2.5, and then follow up with the SSR 1 if needed..
I mostly use the same polish and pad on the whole car before moving down a polish.

However, there are good things about both. If you polish the whole car during each step, you save having to switch pads on the machine. If you are polishing each panel fully, especially on large vehicles, it seems to go faster. You only go around the vehicle once. It is all mental, but it seems to help make your mind think it is taking less time.