Optinium or 303


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Aug 9, 2008
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I have used the Optinium protectant and i was satisfied with the results has anyone used the 303 protectant if so is it better than optinium also i would like some hand polish suggestions
I have used the Optinium protectant and i was satisfied with the results has anyone used the 303 protectant if so is it better than optinium also i would like some hand polish suggestions
I did use newer formula Optimum and DID NOT like it...Main reason is it is separating, and when you mix it back, it looks thick, and never mind...:D
Get 303 instead, it offers longer protection. Good luck...
I like OPP, but FK 108 has been my favorite for interiors.
M105 works great by hand. I have used sctrach X by hand and it was a long process I will never do again. I still use 105 by hand, especially around door handles and hard to reach places.
303 for spraying and Optimums Optibond for tire lotion.
Are we talking about interior protectant only or just in general? I'm confoosed?
Optimum Protectant lasts longer on external rubber trim than 303 which in my testing washes away much more easily. Interior much of a muchness but I actually prefer the Einszett offering.
Optimum Protectant Plus=very matte
303 Protectant =matte with slightly more sheen
On the contrary, I see no streaking with 303. I've used it on all my vinyl and plastic interior, as well as rubber strips and exterior trim, on two vehicles with very different surface textures. What I do is spray a MF pad with 303 and wipe the surface with it. After covering an area, it's followed by a quick wipedown with a dry towel, until the surface is dry.

It did streak once on my exterior trim. But that's because right after application, my wife had to go out and use the car, and it was slightly raining!! When she came back, the water trails left behind by the rain on the trim can be seen from a sharp angle. The weird thing is that they were gone after a day, without me doing anything!

To the OP: Can't compare 303 to the Optimum as I've never used it. But I'm happy with 303.