Wg 3.0


New member
Mar 12, 2007
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I am looking for a wet looking finish . If I use WG 3.0 and then top with SSII or Souvran will that give me the best wet look ?
what car/truck? what color? SSII is great on metallic finishes. Souveran is great on black and dark grey cars.
best wet look will be Wolfgang DGPS 3.0 topped off with Souveran paste...:righton:
sorry SS-truck i just wanted to ask a question about WG 3.0.if id happen to either top SSII or P21S 100% would the surface loose the slickness?the only reason i ask this is i planned to us WG3.0 on my dads car before he put it away in storage.when we get the car out of storage he likes to use a california duster.....which makes me cringe but no 1 can tell him other wise about it.but i figured if the paint is slick its least likely to become marred from the california duster.
what car/truck? what color? SSII is great on metallic finishes. Souveran is great on black and dark grey cars.

Sorry I left out those details . 2000 Cadillac , silver in color .
I'm not sure on other color but on my silver car. With only Wolfgang DGPS, is already good enough for a bright wet glossy finish. I need not top with any wax at all. Wolfgang is really slick too. I love it a lot. :) It's very reflective too. Very easy to spread and very easy to wipe off. It's the best investment I've ever made. And also it brings out the metallic flakes really clear. I've not been satisfied with detailing products for quite a while. But the Wolfgang really is a good product and I did not regret getting a btl to try it. And the durability of 3.0 is also quite good. :)
I think SSII and P21s 100% look better on silver, over DGPS 3.0. The souveran leaves a nice warm glow, but doesn't make it pop on metallic color cars. Others might think different. I've used SSII,P21s 100% and souveran over DGPS 3.0. I just think souveran is better on black or dark grey colors.
I'm not sure on other color but on my silver car. With only Wolfgang DGPS, is already good enough for a bright wet glossy finish. I need not top with any wax at all. Wolfgang is really slick too. I love it a lot. :) It's very reflective too. Very easy to spread and very easy to wipe off. It's the best investment I've ever made. And also it brings out the metallic flakes really clear. I've not been satisfied with detailing products for quite a while. But the Wolfgang really is a good product and I did not regret getting a btl to try it. And the durability of 3.0 is also quite good. :)

Hows it holding up in the hot humid wet climate in Malaysia ?
how often do you lay down another layer ?
and whats your weekly maintenance ?
Souveran is one of the wettest looking waxes even on light colors . Use RMG before it for even more wetness. Use Souveran Spray Wax after each wax to keep it dripping wet.