

New member
Dec 17, 2008
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Some professional told me the other day that nothing beats 3M products and anyone that tries to argue is stupid lol. Please argue for me and no I wont think your stupid lol
Everyone has an opinion, just have to respect that person's and try a few products for yourself and then you will have your own opinion too, and most likely it will be different.
What sort of "professional"? Is he a body shop guy or detailer? I believe that some of their products are fine, for sure, but his opinion seems to be a bit draconian.
3M is used by many body shops because it's cost effective. I have their Ultrafina polish and Performance Sealant. I'm happy with both. The sealant you can find in Autozone for $15(16 oz.) and it's a wipe on/wipe off product. Leaves a slick, glossy finish...not bad for the price.
Even reading around on here you will find that everyone has their own favorite and their own methods. Something that works for one person might not work for another.

The guy probably has worked only with the 3M products and never really used anything else long enough to learn all of the little quirks of each individual product.
Some professional told me the other day that nothing beats 3M products and anyone that tries to argue is stupid lol. Please argue for me and no I wont think your stupid lol
He's close.
Trying to discuss something with a person that has that attitude is a waste of time, possibly even stupid. :D
No the best is Optimum and anyone that suggests otherwise is stupid, j/k, lol, :D.
Just joking around to make the same point as Meghan. It's all personal opinion. There are a bunch of good ones.
3M's extra cut and Ultrafina are excellent products. I agree with Meghan but some polishes are better than others.
I find that 3M seems to cater to body shops and the like and they get quite familar with the lines and how they work. I am sure any number of products could have similar results if marketed that way.
Yeah, agreed, 3M is very common in body shops. 3M seems to go after the commercial guys as opposed to the average consumer. This guy is entitled to his opinion, and so is everybody else.