Applicator cleaning


New member
Jul 13, 2006
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Whats the best way to clean...

- Foam applicator with Sealant on it?

- MF applicator with Carnuba (or a sealant)...

With my terry aplicators, I usually let them soak in a Blue Dawn solution and then let dry...
Would that be ok for the Foam and MF applicator?
Or should I make a solution with my Pinn Rejuv for the MF?


I throw them in with my MF's. Mine usually don't get very dirty and I have dedicated pads for each product.
toss 'em in the trash and start fresh. There are like 1.00 each in bulk.
Yeah.. I actually saw an old post by Neo that said he doesnt even clean his.. just puts them in baggies and uses them for 1 product...

So, I did that... except I cleaned out my EX-P foam applicator just by rubbing some Dawn and some hot water on it... almost like new....
The MF applicator, I just used some warm water... rubbed the wax out as much as possible, and I'll just keep it as my Max Wax applicator.... even though Im sure the MF isnt as efficient as a foam applicator....
My Tire Gel applicator is beyond hope... :-) I'll just use it until I start using that dedicated tire applicator that I just received... Then I'll wash that one out....
killrwheels@autogeek said:
toss 'em in the trash and start fresh. There are like 1.00 each in bulk.

Agreed... but when you dont have many to begin with, and arent going to place an order in the next week, paying for shipping for foam applicators alone, plus not getting them for 3 days via UPS doesnt always work out....
I wash mine with MFs. After a few times though they get soiled and I throw them away.
Just like supercharged, I throw mine in the wash with my microfibers. They come out looking like new. I've used the same 4-5 applicators all summer long. Only one of them has the littlest sines of tearing.