repair paint removal from edge


New member
Jan 28, 2009
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I painted my bike and while color sanding the clear coat to remove some slight to moderate orange peel I removed some paint from the edge on a small section. What is the best way to repair without spraying the entire part over? Thanks.

Feed back please
If you went through the clear coat and paint (down to primer or sealer) there is nothing to do other than repaint.
the entire piece? Any way to spot repair?
You stated in your post, "I painted my bike", so I assume you painted the part in question. If it were my bike, with a paint containing flake, or a candy, I would repaint the entire part because, I myself, don't want to try matching and blending a "spot repair". If its a solid color without flake, I would spot it. This time maybe spray 1 more coat of clear at a lower pressure to smooth it out some and give you a little extra for sanding.
it is a solid color (black). Wouldn't lower pressure give me more orange peel?
Use a little more reducer in the last coat of clear , that will help . Most of the time I use a small amount more reducer in all the coats of clear than recommended and then a little more in last coat .
If pressure is too high the paint or clear will dry some before it lands on the part. Then once it's on the part it can't flow out to get a smooth surface. Are you moving the gun too fast, too far from the part, the right reducer for the temp? Like ss-truck stated, a little extra reducer.
Don't forget, the thinner the clear is the faster you need to move the gun. If you get a run, let it dry and sand it smooth. Don't use a DA for final sanding of the clear, just block it by hand.