Any benefit to layering 111 over 105??


New member
Sep 13, 2007
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I have a new 2009 silver metallic Tacoma. I have and use a few Duragloss products(namely 501,601,105,aw). I emailed dg about what they would suggest for this and Jerry recommended 601 and 111. See The actual reply below.

Our recommendations on a new truck would be:
Use 601 Polish Bonding Agent – apply to truck and leave on
Then apply # 111, Clear Coat Polish – apply on top of the 601, let haze and wipe off
By using the 601, this gives you more durability and protection.

Part# 105 has a more abrasive cleaner in it which you would not need since your truck is new."

So as the title states would I see any benefit (additional gloss) to purchasing the 111 to use over the 105? Also I have been thinking of giving z2 pro a shot on the silver. I like depth on darker colors, but really would like maximum gloss on the silver. Look forward to seeing responses..
I do not think there will be any benefits at all. I like 111 a lot, it reminds me of Zaino Z2
A lot of posters say 111 looks like the old z2 not the new z2 pro. I have never used the 111, but use and like the 105 alot. I just would like something a bit glossier on the silver and with 111 being more of their "true sealant" wondered if it would gloss the 105 up a bit. Guess AW is best for over the 105 and I do have it also. Most everyone agrees the 105 is deeper/warmer than 111, with most saying the 111 is more "plasticky. Whether people like zaino or not, most agree it is one of the glossiest products out there. I have never used any "Z" products however.
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Pfft, I wouldn't. #105 is a nice base coat and then you could just apply a nice warm carnauba wax or a pure sealant on top of the #105 if you want sharper looks. While DG105 looks damn decent, it's just no comparison to Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant, for example. Do the Polish Bonding Agent and then DG105, then lay down a good coat of a quality sealant or carnauba instead of multiple coats of an average-looking product.
I have not used Zaino in a few years so I was goin off memory of Z2. For silver I would go with 111