Advice for a noob.


New member
Jan 25, 2009
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Noob here in J-ville but I have been lurking for a long time. I have been a car enthusiast as well as motorcycles and water-sports for as long as I can remember. I have always loved detailing my own vehicles since I was old enough to have one. The products I have used were always from the local auto parts store or Walmart. I currently have a bunch of junk in my garage and would like to start fresh with decent products. What do you guys recommend to get started for my 2006 silver Toyota Tundra XSP and my wife's 2003 Lexus RX300 (silver)? The vehicles are in fairly good shape and I don't need the most expensive products but I would like stuff that works and produce great results. Any help from the sponge or mitt to the wax is greatly appreciated.

I copied and pasted this here from the introduction thread to see if I might get a response or two here.
If you really want to keep up your 2 cars, you are going to need a machine polisher. Get ready to invest a few hundred dollars.
If you really want to keep up your 2 cars, you are going to need a machine polisher. Get ready to invest a few hundred dollars.

I was all set to buy a PC kit and then heard someone refer to it as a good "beginner" polisher. what gives?
I was all set to buy a PC kit and then heard someone refer to it as a good "beginner" polisher. what gives?
It is a beginner polisher, as it is almost fool proof. Very forgiving machine, but it will get the job done. The Flex is also a da machine and very forgiving, but it's expensive.
Get the pc with 5.5" pads and Menzerna polishes you can't go wrong with that package.
Thanks so much! Looking forward to having some fun in the garage with some new toys.
Forgot! HD guzzler microfiber drying towel. Plus lots of regular microfiber towels for buffing and wax removal
Got some advice to try optimum kit. Are the optimum products cool? Should I get the PC or Flex for my polisher? Flex is so dang pricey. Is it that much better than the PC?
I personally like the menzerna polishes better. They work great. Megs 105 and 205 are 2 other good polishes. But some will disagree.

The flex is better. Less vibration, easier to hold on long details and quicker work time. It is pricey. I bought the PC when I first started. People told me to get the Flex. I ended up buying the flex 2 months later. Get enough pads also.
Thanks again! Feel free to drop some more wisdom at will.
You know, the PC really does a good job if your willing to spend multiple hours in the garage with a good set of polishes/waxes...etc (actually youlll spend hours in there period so forget what i said lol). For me, i like taking my sweet time and for now the PC will do. The response you're going to hear most is,, if you are beginning get the PC, if you want to work alil faster and have more money, get yourself the FLEX... Either way you go, the car is going to look better lol and you cant go wrong with the guys on this site. Best place on earth to get info from.
That seems to be the general consensus I am getting. I would love to reduce my time in the garage if possible but I will only be doing my vehicles and possibly the occasional family member or friend for fun. Once my skills are honed I may try to make a little cash on the side.
Ohh yea, you are exactly like me. I may do the occasional friend, family, or neighbor for a detail. Which really for me, thats perfect. If it were a bussiness then i would be gettin the more high powered polishers, but the PC and I are doing great and i never regret buyin it!