Polishing Aluminum Toolbox


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Jan 24, 2009
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I have a toolbox on my Ram and I am in the process of polishing it. First I washed and dried it. I pulled out my Cyclo, blue pads wrapped in terry cloth bonnets. I used Mothers Mag and Aluminum Polish. I applied a coating of the polish with a separate terry cloth towel and went to town with the Cyclo. Once I was done I did a final wipe down with another Terry Cloth Towel. While the box shines like a mirror, up close I can still see water spots and other imperfections. Any idea's on getting these imperfections out? Thank you in advance for your help!
i used the crappy polishing pad that comes with the pc along with mothers mag/alum polish on my intercooler and it got some tough water spots out. i worked it pretty long and went over it twice.
Try the terry pads with a more aggressive metal polish. If all aluminum you might be able to use the 4 inch wool pads.

constant maintenance on polished aluminum!
anyone have a suggestion on something that will seal it up after polishing?
I use Blue Magic polish which leaves a protective silicon layer over the polished aluminum onces your finished. Works great and you can really see how much gunk you pull out from the metal.
spray it with a clear enamel once you get it clean, then you can just wipe it off with a damp cloth
Once you have the aluminum polished to the point to where you are satisfied , coat it with Zoop Seal and its protected .