PFW vs. Orange foam


New member
Mar 25, 2008
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I've got a tough job coming up this weekend on black VW paint. I need full correction (paint doesn't look too bad) and I'll be using a PC.

My question is-will I be better off using the 4" PFW ( i have 3) or should I stock up on some 4" orange pads? The only 4" orange I have are those cheaper ones that my backing plate just eats up due to the velcro not extending out far enough.

I would probably use M105 with the PFW and finish with 205 on either white foam or black (5.5"). Other considerations are 105 and orange 5.5 inchers, Menzerna IP (not SIP) and orange/white. I also have M83 but I'm not considering.

So, do I make the wifey mad and place a small order OR do I use the 4" PFW?

Lastly, when I tested the PFW for the first time, it was flinging little pieces everywhere. Do you guys wash these first? I felt like I was in a cotton candy mixing bowl.
Use your PFW pads, you might want to get a few more PFW pads and get the right size form pads for your BP. That should do the trick for you.:cheers:
I used the PFW they do shed some at first,Keep them clean also .I used them with a rotary only never tried them with the Pc.Keep us posted would like to see the results using a PC
i will definitely post up some before and afters. So 3 PFW pads won't be enough for a smaller car? I guess I can try and clean them while I work. I've never really done that as I always have enough foam pads to just grab a fresh one. I do so many 1 step/AIO's around here that a request for full correction always has me scrambling week of.
3 should be enough for a small car but if they aren't just let them soak for about 10 minutes in pad cleaner then rinse them really well. Give them a spin on speed 6 till water stops coming out and you good to go.
Youll need more than 3, or you will have to wash them often.
so I take it that PFW cakes up a lot quicker than foam where as I can get by with 3 foam pads generally. It makes sense due to all the long strands. kinda like a long hair dog getting dirtier quicker than a short haired dog right?

so would this all still be a better bet than getting some 4" orange foam?
Since i have tried the PFW pads i havent looked at an orange foam pad since.