Klasse SG cure time...how long between coats?


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Feb 8, 2009
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I was just wondering how long it takes for Klasse SG to completely cure between coats. Thanks in advance.
Klasse SG is very finicky. I'd let it cure for 24 hours in between coats for max durability.
8-24 depending on the environment you are in. With high humidity you might wanna allow more time for best durability.
Thanks everyone. One more thing though, can I apply Klasse SG immediately after AIO or should I wait a few hours?
Thanks everyone. One more thing though, can I apply Klasse SG immediately after AIO or should I wait a few hours?

No cure time on the AIO. You can apply SG right away. There are a bunch of tricks for using SG. Killr had the best system IMO. Couldn't find it but it may still be on here somewhere. One I used was after applying SG I didn't wipe it off for 12 hours. Then I'd let it cure for another 12 hours. So I'm with supercharged on the finiky/24 hr.
No cure time on the AIO. You can apply SG right away. There are a bunch of tricks for using SG. Killr had the best system IMO. Couldn't find it but it may still be on here somewhere. One I used was after applying SG I didn't wipe it off for 12 hours. Then I'd let it cure for another 12 hours. So I'm with supercharged on the finiky/24 hr.

Thanks Jimmie.

Killr, do you have a system when it comes to Klasse SG?

Can anyone else chime in on leaving Klasse SG on for 12 hours before wiping it off and then letting it cure for another 12 hours?

BTW, I will be applying Klasse SG on a LC CCS Blue with a FLEX. Thanks.
I have found the only way to use the finicky Klasse SG, is to transfer some to a small travel size spray bottle and mist a panel and immediately buff in, flip towel and buff off. If you get a stubborn spot then respritz and immediately buff till gone. Works like a charm and offers the same long term durability but allow the curing time between layers or topping with 'nuba.
does the 12-24hr cure time mean i shouldn't drive my car?

or can i get away with a 12 hour cure this weekend. drive to work during the week, then a wash and second coat next weekend.
i thought you were supposed to wipe on wipe off this product...is there any significant benefit to using a machine polisher like PC to apply klasse AIO or SG?

if so, what speed?
Sealants should not see water for 12/24 hours to bond completely. Thus you can drive them without issue but try to stay away from rain. I have not seen a drop in durability after 4-8 hours but prefer to warn using the manufacturers suggestions.

I still have not found a buffer application or even long term application that beats using the WOWO method and a small spray bottle for application of SG. It controls how much is used and removes before it gets so hard to buff you want to grab a damp towel which could reduce its durability.
Sealants should not see water for 12/24 hours to bond completely. Thus you can drive them without issue but try to stay away from rain. I have not seen a drop in durability after 4-8 hours but prefer to warn using the manufacturers suggestions.

I still have not found a buffer application or even long term application that beats using the WOWO method and a small spray bottle for application of SG. It controls how much is used and removes before it gets so hard to buff you want to grab a damp towel which could reduce its durability.

that's exactly how i applied it and it seemed to work like a charm so thx for the heads up.
I find this method to work, offer no change in durability, and best of all leaves time to spend with family. Thanks for the update.