Pad Cleaner Brush?


New member
Mar 4, 2009
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Hey guys, so stupid me forgot to order the pad spur with all of my stuff, so Im going to need something to clean my pads off while I am polishing. Any reccomendations of something I can buy from a store that will suffice? a very soft tooth brush?
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Hey guys, so stupid me forgot to order the pad spur with all of my stuff, so Im going to need something to clean my pads off while I am polishing. Any reccomendations of something I can buy from a store that will suffice? a very soft tooth brush?

As long as its not your spouses that might work ... I would also consider a small bristle brush, might even find one at the dollar store.
i have never used a brush, i think you can get by without one....
Use a soft toothbrush. It's not a bad idea to have one if you can't get the product out, especially with CCS pads. That's for cleaning purposes. During a detail, if your pad gets caked up, just grab a new one and continue.
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I got my hands on soft hand cleaner brush, has two sides its softer than a toothbrush and much bigger.

Fingernail brush with the curved up plastic ends.
Fingernail brush with the curved up plastic ends.

What he said! manicure/pedicure brushes are like $.98 at wally world. the bristles are soft and in a pinch, should work great. I don't have a spur or anything either.
TheEdge's recommendation is the best as it's the quickest and easiest way to clean a pad during a polishing session.
I think any soft bristle brush would work in a pinch. I just rub down with a terry cloth towel but it may depend on what polish you use too.
Hey, could I ask you where you got your brush?

It looks like a perfect solution & not quite as stiff/hard as typical cleaning supply brushes.

Have looked in the local supermarket (if they don't carry it.......I know it will be harder to find; Wegmans, ever hear of them?) plus the big box stores. The only one left is Wmart.

Let me know.


See ya

I got my hands on soft hand cleaner brush, has two sides its softer than a toothbrush and much bigger.

This is what I came up with back when I was starting to deail and did not have access to the proper brush yet.




Don't why my pictures wont show up, just click on it anyway.
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