What is the worst way you have seen a car cleaned?


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Sep 4, 2008
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Friday night I stopped off to get gas. I figured I would clean the windshield while I waited. When I pulled in I was nose to nose with a new 6 series BMW Convertible, Black on black, black powder coated custom rims, A really sharp car minus the need of a washing. When I started to clean the windshield the driver of the car piped up with "Oh yeah I should do that do" He proceeds to take the bug scrubbing squeegee, clean only the middle of the windshield then starts scrubbing the hood.... I stood there in shock probably with my mouth open. He spot scrubbed the bugs, and then wet the whole hood, then started scrubbing the vert top. Finally he squeegees the middle of the windshield he cleaned then the whole hood.... I just finished mine and drove away shaking my head.
About the worst I've seen is at any local fund raiser were all the towels and rags etc are used over and over. If asked , I usually just donate to their cause and go on.:D
I see this stuff all the time and I WANT to say something but in reality, we're the odd ones here right?

and here's just how obsessed we are:

This weekend, I was watching The Karate Kid (I know I know,). Miyagi made Daniel-san wash and wax all the cars on his lot remember? I watched Daniel-san and was like "oh!, ouch! ooof! no he didn't!!"

We need help! But dang a Black 6 series?!?!?
So.Cal. I would have made a crazy ass face too...those would be they type of people I would hate to detail for, cause you know that when you get done detailing there car, the next week it would look like you never messed with detailing it all..all that hard work for nothing..
I see this stuff all the time and I WANT to say something but in reality, we're the odd ones here right?

Unfortunately, we are the odd ones. I have found that very few people actually care about their cars. This still baffles me, because our cars are more than likely our 2nd. largest purchase/investment, behind our homes, and people just treat them like crap. Then again, there are a LOT of people that treat their house like crap too, so I shouldn't be surprised :(
brillo pad ... and it wasnt a Delorean either !
garage broom and dish soap I would have to say is the worst. Or those who get within centimeters of thier cars with the power washer....
So.Cal. I would have made a crazy ass face too...those would be they type of people I would hate to detail for, cause you know that when you get done detailing there car, the next week it would look like you never messed with detailing it all..all that hard work for nothing..
Uh...no. That's not what we are like at all, not even close.


We have a tunnel wash here that has two guys using long handled scrub brushes to wash cars as they roll through!
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I love to see the neighbors break out the dirty mop bucket and dish soap.NOT! But I am sneared at because my car is spotless and shiny and not polished with a brick.LOL
Aren't you suppose to use Comet sink cleaner to get stains out of your paint? Gee, my bad.
Saw an article in this Sunday's paper about a kid who washed mommy and daddies car...with the green side of a pot scubber sponge. I think most of us could've done a correction but as was said earlier, people think we're weird cuz we like our cars spotless. And the sponsors of the article weren't much help either as they said to live with it or repaint the car.
Saw someone try spraying bleach on fenders in the hopes it would take the tar off.
Geez, I thought my neighbor (Lawyer) Washing her Black Nissan with a Sponge Mop and Bucket was bad, I was even going to take a Pic and share it with the Forum, but you all have me beat. OUCH!

And you should hear them all Laugh at me when I break out the DynaJet Wringer:D
I was at an IBA, (in bay automatic) I use to spray mud out of my wheel wells. In the next bay, this guy had a pickup with a lift kit covered in mud. He used the brush, and left mud all over the bay. Only good thing he did was he used the wand to rinse the brush out. Before I left a lady came in and had the brush on her Black G6. I told her what had just been done with the brush,and she said it would be OK! I gave her my card!
Rain - that's right, I asked a girl how she washes her car and that's the answer I got.
I have never seen any of my neighbors wash their cars in their driveways. Damn near every weekend during the spring, summer, and fall my dad and I are out washing or detailing all four of our vehicles. I swear, the neighbors probably think we are both insane. But we really know who the crazy ones are, hahaha.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_sl_bj4z0A]YouTube - Dumb woman washing her car ... inside[/video]
Kind of going along with the fundraiser stuff, I pulled up next to a car wash place, the kind where they drive it through a tunnel to be washed and then pull it out to dry it. I noticed they had a cart full of red towels and all the cleaning supplies. I also noticed that they used the same towels over and over, and oh yeah, threw them on the ground and picked them up over and over. My dad also saw some guys at another place using a broom to clean the car. I've also heard "rain" as a way to clean the car haha.
I saw two little girls washing their mother's old Toyota with Comet and floor scrubbing brushes. It got off all the layers of tree sap and bird bombs and left a nice matte white chalky finish.:eek::applause: