How often do you wax?


New member
Mar 7, 2006
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Maybe we shoulf make it a POLL. How often do you guys/gals wax your vehicle? That could include waxing with carnauba, or using a sealant. How often do you do it, and what products do you use?

I seal mine every 7-9 weeks, wax every 3-4. Seal usually with Wolfgang, Menzerna FMJ, Poorboy's EX-P. Wax with Pinnacle Souveran paste(the best one there is:righton: ), Pinnacle Liquid Souveran, DP Max Wax.

In between wax applications I use Crystal Mist, Quik Shine, FK425.
I use the Klasse twins, and S100 a lot. I have other products, but I like the look I get with them three. I wax my truck with S100 about every 4-8 weeks.
I wax my truck every day. I have had it for over a year, so I have close to 400 coats of wax on it......:righton:

Just kidding......

I usually do a full detail every 3-4 months on my truck and top with a sealant...
4-6 weeks... depends on weather, if I have time, and how hot it is outside. lol
I put a coat of sealant on my car every week for about three weeks and I strip it off and start over with clay/polish/sealant every 3 or 4 months. On the vehicle I use carnauba on I wax it once a month and then strip it all off and clay/polish/wax every 3 or 4 months. I recomend the same schedule to every customer as well. Most of them I maintain at least every 4 months.
4-6 weeks for carnaubas -- using Crystal Mist religiously between sessions

10-12 weeks max with sealants -- use a number of qd'er's
I wax when it needs it which is usually every 8 weeks with S&G or QS inbetween.
I wax / seal every week. But not the whole truck. Say the hood one week, the doors the next, the bed the next etc. etc.
4-6 weeks for a carnauba. Sealant...anywhere from 2 - 3 months I suppose. Sometimes less, sometimes more, depending on if there's some new sealant I want to try and do it sooner, or I'm being lazy and wait a little longer.
killrwheels@autogeek said:
4-6 weeks for carnaubas -- using Crystal Mist religiously between sessions

10-12 weeks max with sealants -- use a number of qd'er's

:applause: :iagree: In between, I use FK425.