Rail dust on plastic molding: How to remove?


New member
May 20, 2006
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I have noticed a significant amount of rail dust embedded in the plastic rocker and wheel well moldings of my 07 BMW x3. Does anyone have tips on removing this? It does not come off in the wash and I tried clay to no avail. I am yet to try my MG APC but I am not very optimistic.
What are your thoughts? Thanks.
You might need a decon wash. It can get under the paint. Try polishing it. If it comes back, then it is under the paint.
I would check out FK1 decontamination kit or ABC I believe makes another kit
You might need a decon wash. It can get under the paint. Try polishing it. If it comes back, then it is under the paint.

To clarify, the rail dust I am referring to is on the unpainted plastic trim. There is dust on the paint as well but clay should take care of that. Out curiosity though, what is a decon wash (chemical to neutralize the surface?) and where would such a product be purchased?
A picture would help. With rail dust(generic term) it gets embedded into things. Clay might remove it for the moment. It's like chopping the cap off a iceberg. Majority is still under the surface, and will come back. Are you talking about the black trim running along the bottom and wheel wells?
A picture would help. With rail dust(generic term) it gets embedded into things. Clay might remove it for the moment. It's like chopping the cap off a iceberg. Majority is still under the surface, and will come back. Are you talking about the black trim running along the bottom and wheel wells?

Yes, along the bottom and wheel wells (black trim). I was going to take a picture but it is hard to see.
I know what you are talking about. I just can't remember if it is rough or smooth?
I know what you are talking about. I just can't remember if it is rough or smooth?

Textured...not too much though. Not smooth either. How is that for an answer? Ha!