View Full Version : first time using clay....how much is needed???

05-11-2009, 06:59 PM
My car is in bad shape, the entire care feels like rubbing your hand on a newpaper, even after it is washed. After all the reading I do, I figured clay will be a great way of getting that oxidation off but how much will I need? I will be doing an entire mid size car. I hear that you want to make sure to constantly fold the clay as you use it to avoid pushing in any debris into the paint. I am thinking just 1 bar, am I off on this??? Thanks!:buffing:

05-11-2009, 07:18 PM
You only need 1 bar, some of the bigger bars could be cut in 1/2 and flattened. You want it to fit the palm of your hand and again, knead and fold constantly.

05-12-2009, 07:54 AM
clay isnt going to remove oxidation....clay is designed to remove embedded debris/particles from the paint.....

05-12-2009, 09:30 AM
..and make sure to use LOTS of lube to avoid marring the paint with the clay. AG has very useful info & vid of claying on the store site...under Exterior Care then Clay bar/lube section..then "how to" section....go slow, take your time and it'll pay off :)