AutoGeek's packing material? Meghan/Max


In time out
May 8, 2009
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i've orederd a lot from you guy's over the last few months. And one thing that drives me nuts is to open up a box and see it full of foam packing "peanuts". Aside from the environmental aspect, they make a mess and stick to everything. Seems like when I unpack I drop them all over. I know I'm being picky, but have you guy's ever considered a different packing material? Some companies use the little, inflatable baggies. Some use crumpled up, recycled paper.
I think a lot of the packing peanuts are now made out of cornstarch, not sure if thats what AG uses.
The packing nuts are the easiest, and one of the most effective way. We use them at our warehouse. It would take so much more time to wrap things in air pocket sheets. Plus, with UPS, the nuts are more safer. Even with the air pocket sheets, there is still a gap from the box to the sheet. The peanuts are right there for protection. The other option you stated is made from plastic, so pick your poison.

If UPS stops playing soccer with packages, then things can change.
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The peanuts are reusable when shipping ebay! Pass them around! :)
I do.
On a different note, they do make different peanuts. They maybe the ones aerocleanse was talking about. They are heavier and less static. So they don't fly everywhere and don't stick to everything.
I do not know the exact cost of peanuts, but I'm sure they are trying to provide the cheapest shipping possible, and the best deal on the product. I would think that if going to bubble wrap or another shipping media, the cost for such change would be reflected somewhere to the consumer.
Yeah, when I think of UPS....I think of Jim Carrey delivering that package in Pet detective!

I save all the peanuts and recycle when I ebay, like mentioned!

The spongy-anti static ones are nicer....but who knows if they are worse for the environment.

true- the bags are still plastic. I'm not a "Green" nut, but was just wondering if there was a better way. In the end, it all comes down to what is cheapest........

Thanks for the replies.
We have posted it on here several times, we do have brown paper available for packing orders all you need to do is request on your order and we will take care of it. We have tried several different ways of packing our orders and right now this is the safest with shipping chemicals, and the best way keep the time factor in account. Many of the other methods have not proved to be good enough to deliver the chemicals without leaking.
You can take the old packing peanuts to a UPS store they will gladly reuse them. I actually traded a box of packing peanuts for a few faxes I needed.
I don't want anything shipped to me in plain brown wrappers. The wife may get suspicious.
I don't want anything shipped to me in plain brown wrappers. The wife may get suspicious.

I can write "Coach" on the brown paper but then she would think you bought her a new purse... maybe you should stick with the peanuts for your safety! :D
take the peanuts and put them in an empty gallon with the top cut open. Then poor a solvent like a tar remover, wax and grease remover, or even thinner and they will turn to liquid. It doesn't take very much solvent do a whole box worth. Then just set the jug some where and let the goo dry and throw away.
i was quite pleased when i got my order i know the peanuts make a mess but everything was packaged very nice and safe. im sure like meghan said, with the amount of plastic bottles they ship they are trying to make it so they have as few returns as possible for their sake and ours. im already waiting on my 3rd order before i even have a chance to use what i got in the first 2 LOL
I think the salted, real peanuts would be a green and tasty alternative! :)
Ironically the person that gets his shipment that has a leaking bottles and no packing peanuts is the first to scream.

I think AG should stick to what they are doing. I have NEVER had a single issue with a shipment I even got from them.
I keep a box of peanuts and reuse them ... it seems like the green thing to do and also helps when shipping items to family/friends and arriving safely without damage.
Styrofoam in any form is not recyclable. I always request recycled packaging and have never had a problem. I applaud AG for offering the choice to the customer.

Do not get me wrong I am in no way dissing peanuts it is just that I prefer the brown paper packing that I can recycle.