Carnauba topper on OPS


New member
Dec 20, 2008
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Has any one topped Optimum Poli-Seal with a Carnauba?

I will be doing a red Chevy truck next week and I am thinking of trying M105 followed by the OPS. I'm not sure if it will work, but if it dose I would like to top it Souveran paste. Let me know what you all think.

I have topped OPS with a couple different carnauba waxes. Both worked fine-good flake popping on black metallic paint like I would have expected. Never used souveran but I'm sure it would be fine.

depending on the type of paint you're working on, you might want something in the middle of 105 and OPS but I've seen where 105 finishes pretty well.
Anything non-cleaning wax can go on top of Poli-Seal. Optimum even recommends that you buff Poli-Seal's residue off with Optimum Car Wax so my conclusion is that there is no cure time with Poli-Seal. That's how I treat it anyways.

I do have M205 and WGTSR if the OPS is not strong enough. It is good to know the I can save a lot of time not having to wait for the sealer to cure before topping(if it works :D)
I like Poli-seal for an AIO product and it offers some reasonable durability. Why not just use a spray wax product like Griots, Four Star, or such for the extra gloss initially.
Yes, topped Poli-Seal a number of times with Max Wax. It has been a consistently good performer. (I keep forgetting how great Max Wax looks.)
i personally top poliseal with 4 star upp, then if you really wanted to you could follow that with your carnuba.....but i like a sealant for the durability...