Finally detailed the car BUT


New member
May 26, 2009
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Well, I finally got to use my Pinncale XMT Series with my new PC BUT I have one problem...

I've spent 10 hours on it so far and still have to dress the wheels, put a layer or 2 of paste wax, and some minor things here and there.

The entire car looks spectacular, but there's still swirls on the spoiler. I have tried using the XMT #3 with a 5.5" Orange on speed 6, then switching to the XMT #2 with a 5.5 Orange on speed 6, then followed it up with the XMT #1 on a 5.5 white and there's still swirls.

I used that same combo of pads and speeds and there isn't a swirl anywhere else on the car. Any ideas on how to get them out?
Sounds like you rushed step 1 on the spoiler. Don't move on to the next step until you've gotten the results you need at the step you're on.
I took my time though and that's what got me. In the light that I had, it looked perfect but as soon as I got out into some sunlight I could see them as I was buffing the car after the sealant.

I serisouly sat there and waited for the polish to work itself in and to powder a little bit.

I'm gonna give it a few more passes tomorrow and see how that does.
Yea. might take a couple passes. Not having a good light can really fool you though. Are you doing an IPA wipedown between polishing steps?
It can take more then 1 pass to remove most of the swirls, you may not be able to remove them 100% too.
Did the entire thing today with the IPA wipe down. It helped alot and most are gone. There are still a few but I'm done fooling with it for now. I've been working off and on for 3 days between work and college. I'm done. I'm tired and this Alabama heat is NOT helping. It's been areound 95 with about 85% humidity every day.
Did the entire thing today with the IPA wipe down. It helped alot and most are gone. There are still a few but I'm done fooling with it for now. I've been working off and on for 3 days between work and college. I'm done. I'm tired and this Alabama heat is NOT helping. It's been areound 95 with about 85% humidity every day.
As long as your happy with the way it looks that's all that counts.At some point you need to say i can live with that and seat back and enjoy knowing what it looked like before and how awesome it looks now :cheers:
Technically, I'm still not there LOL

I won't be satisfied untill I can get most of them out. I will try it again, but not within the next week.

Showing my car off to a buddy already got me a 'customer'. It's a Honda Civic. I'm asking $140 for the entire deal. With that, I'll break half way already with my stuff, then I'm doing his Harley, then I'm doing his brother's Accord.

I gotta lot of work to do heh.
Sure do and that's great with the way this country is right now.
Hell yeah man. I pay for college out of pocket and I saw detailing as a good investment. That's what my buying point was. If I spend X amount of dollars, how soon will I be able to pay that off and then make profit? 3 cars hahaha.

Even though I've got a somewhat nice job as a manager at a restraunt, I hate it due to the amount of stress it gives me. I'd rather be able to make all my money through detailing, BUT when you have idoits charging like $100 for basically a wash and wax that has fillers it's kind of hard to make people understand that doing it the RIGHT way costs a tad bit more...

The 'detailers' in my city have given it somewhat a bad name really. They ask $120 for basically a half-ass wash and wax and it comes out looking no better than it went in.