2000 Nissan Maxima + Leatherique


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Jun 7, 2009
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I've been comtemplating using Leatherique on the leather in my 2000 Nissan Maxima. I was wondering if it would need to be cleaned with anything before I used the Leatherique? If so, what products would you all recommend?

Also, would Leatherique make that big of an impact on my leather? I've read on some threads about coated leather. What exactly is coated leather? Not for sure If that's what I have or not. Any suggestions would be helpful. Feed back please I have included some pictures of my leather for you all to get a better idea of what I'm dealing with. Thanks.
Coated leather is finished leather. Most manufacturers do not recommend any leather treatments because the treatment won't necessarily prolong the good looks of the leather. Finished leather is sealed and it's unlikely anything will penetrate it.
What is most important is cleanliness.

I just started using the Megs APC+ (10:1) to clean the interior of vinyl and leather. After it dried, I dressed the vinyl and leather with DP Interior Protectant. It looks great and I'm sure it will last just as long as if I applied a leather treatment.

You can spend money on elaborate leather products, or put your money into other products that are going to give you multi-surface protection and more value for the dollar. That's my opinion.

DP Interior Surface Protectant is a multi-surface shield for your vehicle’s interior. In addition to protectants, DP Interior Surface Protectant

How would I be able to tell if I have finished leather or not?
Almost all leather used in automobiles is coated (finished) leather. That said I saw a nice difference using Leatherique annually on several cars. For upkeep I use Einszett Leather Care which actually is designed for coated leather.
Most auto leather is finished leather and the leather in your car is almost certainly finished/coated.
If you put any cleaner on the leather and it stays on the surface then you have a coated leather, if the cleaner was absorbed into the leather and turned it black then you would have a aniline style leather without the robust protected surface.
Finished leather should be cleaned and protected.
A product 'designed for coated leather' would not contain waxes or say it replaces the 'natural oils' as this is what is impossible. There are no 'natural oils' in leather once it has been retanned and the chemical retanning agents do not come out of the leather to need replacing. Using water based products will rehydrate the leather which is what is required to keep it in good condition along with keeping the surface clean so that the dirt and body oils are not allowed to attack the finish on the leather and cause cracking of the pigment.

Hope this helps