View Full Version : 1st time Souveran use

09-10-2006, 04:15 AM
hey guys.

I purchased the Sizzling Shine kit and it arrived on friday. As soon as I have time I'm going to use the bodywork shampoo, cleansing lotion and finish with the paste. My paint is in pretty good shape. I've posted pics before if you guys want to search.

My question is...should I bother using megs #7 before the souveran paste? any thoughts on this or have you guys tried it? I know the best thing would be to just go out and try it, but I may not be able to until next week and I'm very curious if it would make a difference.

Feed back please

09-10-2006, 10:42 AM
Souveran shows little to no appreciable difference in glazes. If you need some slight polishing later, pickup RMG and use it versus the paint cleaner. But for your current finish, just follow the kit. Also remember Souveran is WOWO -- wipe on, wipe off

09-10-2006, 02:18 PM
Yeah I don't think you even need #7 with Souveran. Souveran is great all on it's own. Congratulations on your kit!! You're going to LOVE it! :) I want to see pics when you're done! :)

09-10-2006, 02:26 PM
coo. thanks alot guys! I'll deff. post pics as soon as I take care of it. I just found out I'm going up to Berkely because my cousin if flying in for a game. Hes one of the coach's for Portland State. I guess it will just be a nice wash and QW to hold me over until the following week.

09-10-2006, 02:29 PM
Oh man!!! You have more self control than I do!! I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation that long! lol Have a safe trip. :)

09-10-2006, 11:22 PM
haha. well I wasnt able to do it this weekend because my dad decided to buy some new nicer cabinets for the garage so I spent all yesterday and part of today building them for him and setting everything in place. As for the rest of the week I am also a sort of workaholic so I dont get out of the office until like 7-8 lately. By then theres no sun for me to do anything. If I get a chance to leave early this week I deffinately be doing it. PLUS I also have a new foam gun to play with!

09-10-2006, 11:34 PM
haha. well I wasnt able to do it this weekend because my dad decided to buy some new nicer cabinets for the garage so I spent all yesterday and part of today building them for him and setting everything in place. As for the rest of the week I am also a sort of workaholic so I dont get out of the office until like 7-8 lately. By then theres no sun for me to do anything. If I get a chance to leave early this week I deffinately be doing it. PLUS I also have a new foam gun to play with!

I got my foam gun last week, you will love it! I washed seven cars with it this past week. It's fun. What can I say, I'm a kid again!

09-11-2006, 09:21 PM
I'm pissed. I came home, parked my car in the driveway and started to pull out all my stuff. Finally I go to the backyard to grab the hose and realise the damn ring on the end came off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so I couldnt wash my car and test my new foam gun. I was too tired and hungry to go buy another one. I wanted to wash/dry...eat...then come back out and finish. I just couldnt wait so I gave up and got some food.

So.....what new hose should I go buy? anything special or should I just pick whatever random one I see first?

09-11-2006, 09:53 PM
I just got this one from lowes....


Justin recommended it on a thread a month or so ago.

It works pretty well.. its only 1/2" though.. so I do notice a little pressure loss from 3/4". But its still plenty to wash the cars with....

It has a "quick connect" end so its nice and 'quick' to disconnect and wrap it all up and put in the garage!

09-12-2006, 02:39 PM
I got my foam gun last week, you will love it! I washed seven cars with it this past week. It's fun. What can I say, I'm a kid again!
I know what you mean, my neighbor (12 yr old boy) always watches while I use the foam gun, I kinda want to bring him one home. Just think we can start a toys line at Autogeek!:p Ohh who am I kidding, it is a Big Kids Toy Line already!:righton: