really cant get the hang of it


New member
Apr 6, 2009
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I've been doing my best at using a rotary buffer for the past few weeks off and on. I have a black ford ranger (beater) that i've been using as my culprit. The paint is really bad and sorry but i have no pictures. If i'm on a curved panel it seems to be fine, but if i'm on a flat panel like on the side of the door, the polish seems to dry way to fast and then it cakes on the paint. I cannot decide how much polish to put on the pad either. I tried very little and fairly alot and in-between and just cant get it. I can get the paint shiny but i see holograms. I've been using M105 with a white 6" CCS pad. Maybe somebody is in the central PA location and can give me a little lesson?? Thanks!
oh ya i forgot that i used menzerna final polish with a black 6.5" ccs pad after the m105. I have no trouble with this polish and i go pretty slow with the buffer and am still gettting holograms
Are you sure you are using the correct amount of pressure?

To me, it sounds like you are not working the product in enough. When working with final polish, try misting a quick detailer on your foam pad, it should give you better lubrication and longer working time.
A couple things, M105 has a very short working time. Jumping from 105 to a finishing polish is to big a step, you need something inbetwen, then go with your finishing pad and polish

Also NEVER use a QD as a pad primer, all you need is the product itself. If you feel you need to prime the pad ONLY use a mist of water.
No offense but you just started using a rotary and are still working on basic operational skills and you also want a "swirl free finish"? How about baby steps first?

Concentrate on proper operation first then worry about the finish results. I have been running a rotary for 20 years professionally and I still get's the nature of the beast. The swirls are very light but to the critical eye they are there so this is where the orbital is your friend. Use it to level down the very fine swirls to as perfect a finish as possible.

And yes, take some classes if you can.
