View Full Version : Tinting & Windshield repair (Help me SAVE my job)

08-19-2009, 06:18 PM
My boss (Owner of a local detailing shop) has promoted me to manager of the shop. Now I don't have any experience in managing, and he is giving me the position (after my begging) on a trial basis.

He has given me 2 separate tasks I need to have all the answers to in regards to the shop, and I really wanna prove that I am willing to put in the hours and the effort to do things right.

He wants me to gather all the information I can on Window Tinting, and he doesn't want to purchase into a franchise, he wants everything to be in house. So my first set of questions are:

- What are some reputable companies that detail/tinting shops use for their professional window tinting supplies?

- Do they offer training, and if not what are some quality companies or sources for training my crew on how to window tint like the pro's (I know there is no substitute for practice but I would like to gather as much information to get them started on the best foot possible.)

Secondly Windshield Repair, I have spoken to people locally that do windshield repair and all the answers I have received are about purchasing franchises. No one seems to be their own business, they all seem to do business through another business, and purchase all their supplies from that bigger business. Again my boss is not interested in a joint venture with another company or buying into a franchise.

- What are some reputable companies that windshield shops use for their professional window repair supplies?

- Do they offer training, and if not what are some quality companies or sources for training my crew on how to repair cracks & chips like the pro's (I know there is no substitute for practice but I would like to gather as much information to get them started on the best foot possible.)

I thank everyone in advance for reading my post, and hopefully giving me a hand in impressing my boss.

08-19-2009, 07:17 PM
As far as tinting i have never seen any schools to learn this type of job.All the tinters i use and know only learned how too tint by hands on training by a skilled tinter.There are so many types of cars and glass that each car is different .The basics hold true on how the tint is applied and removed but that's were it ends.My advice is to try and find a local tinter and see if he is willing to teach someone at you place for a price .But that also may be hard since you will be taking away work from him.What we do at my shop is just sublet the job and tack on a few extra bucks this why we don't have to deal with teaching someone something that takes weeks to do then just have them quit on us.We don't do any glass repair only replacement which again we sublet out.

08-19-2009, 07:39 PM
For windshield chip repair i would recommend liquid resins INC....they sell all you need kits and offer a days training for free with the kits

08-19-2009, 07:55 PM
Re: windshield repairs
I use Delta kits in my work. Auto Glass Repair, Windshield Repair Kits, and World's Largest Auto Glass Repair Forum by Delta Kits (http://www.deltakits.com). I am not responsible for purchasing supplies for the kit though, so I cant really comment on that end of it. The kit works great, pretty easy to get the hang of.

08-19-2009, 08:27 PM
Have your guys thought of just subbing it out to other contractors. Kind of like a jack of all trades and a master of non thing to me. The rock chip thing is pretty easy to get down in a day or two of training. I have never had to buy any supplies as they were supplied to me to use.

08-19-2009, 09:23 PM
might want to look and see if your county or surrounding counties offer free career training. I know some in this area off auto detailing as one, for 180 hours. Maybe look there for some training