Edge 2k Orange Pad Replacement?


New member
Nov 24, 2006
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Looks like Edge does not offer a 6" orange pad anymore :(

This was my one step pad for corrections with the PO 106FA, and I was hoping to know which pad was similar to the orange pad, out of the Edge's current line-up. Thanks in advance for the help!

The green one is pretty close. I use the orange cyclo 4" on scratches, then the green for the rest.
6" pad available now only Black Cutting Double Sided Wool Pad, Yellow Medium Cutting Double Sided Blended Wool Pad, Green Light Cutting/Polish Double Sided Belended Wool Pad and also Blue Foam Soft Double Sided Pad.
So does the yellow pad replace the orange pad then? I just need clarification so I can place an order. Meghan? Matt? Anyone? :buffing:
yellow is more aggressive than orange, green is as close as you'll get. E2K is all I use. Color is irrelevant, it's pad density and the green is the closest to the old orange. You can still get orange in 4inch cyclo pads.