? about pinnacle products


New member
Aug 28, 2006
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my girlfriend just bought me pinnacle natural brilliance advanced swirl remover.i have xmt#1 thru #3,is this a more agressive product or the same as #3.i couldnt get all the swirls out with xmt#3 so she also got me a lc yellow pad.she know,s im addicted now.luckily for me her car has no swirls yet,so hers is now spotless.
I have not tried advanced swirl remover. Give it a try and let us know!
Wanting to know that myself! We need a aggressive chart of some kind.
sparkie said:
Wanting to know that myself! We need a aggressive chart of some kind.

Ive used it and liked it...have used only that product...so can't really compare to others , but i would rate it as a medium remover from what i read from previous posts on it........
I find it, ASR, to be the most abrasive polish Pinnacle offers. Needs to have a finishing polish and finishing pad used afterwards. XMT One with a white pad should work well.
killrwheels@autogeek said:
I find it, ASR, to be the most abrasive polish Pinnacle offers. Needs to have a finishing polish and finishing pad used afterwards. XMT One with a white pad should work well.
thank you killer,thats what i needed to know.