Interrior Cleaner Question


New member
Aug 27, 2009
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I have been using interrior cleaner and have been happy with the results. however do any of you mix your interrior cleaner with water. I noticed when I spray on just the cleaner its takes a lot to spread it around. I noticed when I wet my microfiber pad and go over the cleaner its kind of foams slightly, spreads and cleans better. do anyone else do this because it seems like it needs the water to spread? thank you
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Microfiber performance seems to get consistent (for spreading) once it is uniformly damp. If you spray the surface and wipe, the microfiber seems to want to absorb it rather than spread it initially so this is why you believe it cleans better using the damp mf approach.

I tend to prime the applicator (terry, foam, or mf) with the cleaner/dressing to be sure the applicator surface is at least damp then use the applicator to spread evenly and clean/dress. This process also uses less product and no worry about spray getting anywhere you do not want it (glass, etc).

BTW, water is a solvent so it does make an effective cleaner by itself so even a damp mf will clean light dust, etc. This is why most cleaners have a lot of water in them.
I tend to prime the applicator (terry, foam, or mf) with the cleaner/dressing to be sure the applicator surface is at least damp then use the applicator to spread evenly and clean/dress. This process also uses less product and no worry about spray getting anywhere you do not want it (glass, etc).

This is the process that I do. Since it is not great to have to wipe off the glass and surrounding area with over spray.