Pad cleaners, Snappy Clean and XMT

A4 1.8tqm

New member
Apr 4, 2009
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I have and love both Snappy Clean and XMT Pad Cleaner but I'm running low on XMT. I prefer the ease of use of XMT. Just spray, agitate, rinse. Mixing part of a Snappy Clean packet for only a couple pads is annoying.

Is there is any reason I shouldn't mix a concentrated batch of snappy clean to use in a spray bottle?
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I use the DP Pad Rejuvinator which comes in a larger canister and I can vary mixing based upon number of pads. No packages to open and try and store, just close the lid.
Man, you could just use half or least of your snappy clean, re-fold the package and use it next week. This is what I do. I do 3 week with one package.
I use the DP Pad Rejuvinator which comes in a larger canister and I can vary mixing based upon number of pads. No packages to open and try and store, just close the lid.
When I run out of Snappy clean I will be buying DP for sure.

Man, you could just use half or less of your snappy clean, re-fold the package and use it next week. This is what I do. I do 3 week with one package.
I do the same thing already...

What I was asking is if anyone knows whether it is OK to use Snappy Clean in a concentrated form in a spray bottle. Well I went ahead and tried it. I measured out 1/4oz. Snappy Clean in a measuring cup that came with DP Microfiber Cleaner and added to a cheap 710ml Walmart spray bottle. I like it! Convenient spray, excellent cleaning power and cheap to mix. Just over $1 for 5-6 bottles of pad cleaner spray. I'll keep experimenting with dilution ratios. :xyxthumbs:
Instead of doing all of that, why not just go to walmart and buy a bottle of dawn power dissolver and just use that instead of doing all of the experimenting and mixing. Its excellent if you are just cleaning a few pads on the go.
Instead of doing all of that, why not just go to walmart and buy a bottle of dawn power dissolver and just use that instead of doing all of the experimenting and mixing. Its excellent if you are just cleaning a few pads on the go.

For one I enjoy experimenting/testing. Secondly, I already have a lot of Snappy Clean... a product made by LC for cleaning LC pads (Power Dissolver is a dish soap). Plus, like I said, it only costs about $1 to mix several bottles worth of cleaner. It is just a convenient and money saving way to clean a couple pads and I thought I would share my experience with my fellow AutoGeeks.