How much do you charge?


New member
Mar 29, 2008
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Hey everyone,

I am more of a hobbiest detailer that occationaly details peoples cars to support my addiction. I am currently in the middle of a 2 car full detail. One of the 2 cars is significantly worse than the other. I am estimating spending 20 hours on 1, and 30-35 hours on the other.

My process is:
- engine
- wash
- clay
- heavy cut polish
- light cut polish
- (on the one car, some portion needed wet sanding)
- wash
- sealant
- Full interior

My question is am I spending too much time in total and what would you charge for a job like this?????

Thank you in advance.
Feed back pleaseFeed back pleaseFeed back please
I would charge around 350-400 for the car that is not so bad and 450-550 for the car that is worse
i also do it to support my addiction, not as a company. i would charge around 250-275 for the not so bad car and around 325-350 for the worse one.
break the process down from what you know.

x amount of hours per panel for correction

x mount ofhours for wash and clay

x amount for interior

and input 15 dollars per hour and see what you get... 15 per hour is VERY generous for a detailer, when you think that they arent always making that money contantly like salary people do
break the process down from what you know.

x amount of hours per panel for correction

x mount ofhours for wash and clay

x amount for interior

and input 15 dollars per hour and see what you get... 15 per hour is VERY generous for a detailer, when you think that they arent always making that money contantly like salary people do

Did I read that right as you're saying 15 an hour is real good for a detailer??
Just like Jason I charge by the hour but my rate is 75.00 an hour.

I am curious how you work your hourly rate. Do you charge this for all detail jobs or only on certain projects? How do you estimate time and so forth? If it is a 20 hour project are you still charging $75 per hour? ...Just want to learn a different prospective as I have not charged hourly before. thanks.
I am curious how you work your hourly rate. Do you charge this for all detail jobs or only on certain projects? How do you estimate time and so forth? If it is a 20 hour project are you still charging $75 per hour? ...Just want to learn a different prospective as I have not charged hourly before. thanks.

75.00 an hour, very rarely do I have vehicle that I just do a straight price on. If I have already done their car before I only charge a straight price to maintain it.
75.00 an hour, very rarely do I have vehicle that I just do a straight price on. If I have already done their car before I only charge a straight price to maintain it.

thanks. I can see the pros to this, especially if its a job that may take a while.