water spots on widows?


New member
Jul 24, 2007
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Hey everybody, been awhile since I have been on here. Well anyway I got a different vehicle and this truck has not been very well taken care of since my father in law passed away. I've taken my time to really clean this truck up and i'm stuck on one problem. There is water spots all over the windows and i cannot get them clean. The soap I use is the DP Xtreme shampoo and its not working at all. Any help to this at all?
Try something with sour Ph, cut a lemon in half and use it on the windows.
Give it a polishing with a chemical polish :xyxthumbs: You can try it by hand in a little spot and see if it works than do the whole thing if it does....I like to polish my windshield once a year
DG makes a water spot remover for glass..DG 755...it comes highly recommended.
DP Glass Restorer or Diamonite Spray Clay ...then coat with Aquapel for nice glass.
Thanks for the reply! I'll try it out this weekend.
I recently tried to polish the galss on my fathers tundra that has had water spots from very hard water etching into the glass for over 5 years. It was an INSANE amount of work and I ended up using PB SSR3 with a Yellow LC CCS pad... other combinations starting with PB Pro polish and a white CCS.. up to orange... then I tried SSR 1 - 2.5 on white... then on orange... then finally gave up and grabbed the yellow pad and the SSR3 and It did about 90% correction in the worst places with 100% in others... I will post picks

Has anyone else ever experienced this type of issue... Or is the 7424xp just not the best for polishing glass???

Again this took SSR 3 + a Yellow CCS pad to correct... Not sure if its my technique... the 7424XP.... or that the 5 years of water spot build up and the insanely hard water my father has at his house caused this much etching to need such an dagressive combination.

I'd love some tips or pointers on if I did this correctly or not... I finished it all up with PB's sealant and begged him to start drying his vehicle after washing it.

Heres the before shots:



and After:


What do you guys think????:buffing:
Good results! I have tried AIO and M105/205 on the PC. It takes a hard pad to work, but most polishes will help. Don't try it with the rotary, though! I tried using the rotary on an old Integra I had, and it scratched the windshield enough to be annoying.
I had an older Mercedes that had sat outside for a few years next to a busted sprinkler head, add in the sun cooking it and you had a terrible nightmare. You could literally barely see out of the windows on the driver's side, especially if the sun was directly hitting it.

What'd I do? Grabbed some "Barkeeper's Best Friend" w/ a green scratch pad and a little water and went to work. Took me all of an hour and the difference was amazing. I wish I had pics back then.

Almost as nice as the windows inthis thread.

I know, it could have scratched the glass, but it didn't. I was careful and this was before I knew of using polish on windows.
I come from an area that has really hard and I've had good luck with claying the windshield. I'm sure you'll find the solution between all the good ideas that members are coming up with. Don't forget to let us know which method works best for you. Good luck.
I recently used the DP Glass Restorer using a UDM with a 4-in pad. It worked great. It took more than one section pass to get it completely removed.

I am still trying to figure out just how much polish to apply to the pad and work time since it seems to dry out fairly quickly which according to the instructions is when you stop. Is the correct technique?