Insulator Wax 845


New member
Sep 7, 2009
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I just received my AG order in the mail, one of the items being the insulator wax. The wax looks very crystalized in the bottle, is this normal? I thought it was supposed to be more of a liquid wax, but yet the bottle says "paste"? yea I'm a noob. lol
Try giving it a good long shake. It should turn more liquid but you may need to warm it to room temp if it feels cold in the bottle. Just something I read, hope it helps.

Yeah keep shaking it. I thought the same thing (even asked the same question) but you just have to keep shaking and shaking. You will even get to the point where you think you aren't doing anything and will want to stop but don't. It will eventually get to a liquid.
thanks for the help everyone, will just have to get my shake on before I use it.
Sit it on a window pane in the sun or put it in a tub of warm/hot water. It will liquify and get to almost a milk like texture. A little goes a long,long way. I think you will like it.
I thought I had shaken it up enough until I inverted the bottle and observed that there was about an inch of thick stuff clinging to the bottom. I gently beat the bottle against my workbench until that stuff released and then shook it in.

Now when I invert the bottle I can see through the bottom. For me, checking the bottom is standard operating procedure to ensure it's properly mixed.
I just received my AG order in the mail, one of the items being the insulator wax. The wax looks very crystalized in the bottle, is this normal? I thought it was supposed to be more of a liquid wax, but yet the bottle says "paste"? yea I'm a noob. lol
While my #845 was quite thick, it certainly wasn't "crystalized".
You may have something different going on.
If it does mix up and become a thinner viscosity, it's probably OK.
If you still have crystals after shaking it thoroughly, you might want to contact the vendor.

Thick = Normal
Crystalized = Never seen it happen
It's never looked crystalized to me. You do need to shake the bottle real weal.
Can you use this on plastic peices on the car? Like the front and rear bumpers?

Can you use this on plastic peices on the car? Like the front and rear bumpers?

It should work fine on any painted surface.
If the bumper is the textured finish, you might want to try a small area to make sure it doesn't leave any white residue. I don't think it will, but it would be best to try before you do a large area.