Wax prep and time in between coats


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Oct 6, 2009
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So here is my question I have been looking threw the forums to find something to give me a heads up as to how long to wait in between coats. Ill be applying Wolfgang 3.0 and i believe i read some where i would need to wait a whole 24 hours before i moved on. If i need to wait 24 hours what should i do after my vehicle sits for 24 hours, im sure i cant just jump right it and throw on another coat. Should i go over with a quick detail or something else? Then after the WG3.0 i am going to top it off with DoDo diamond white and light fantastic, how long do i need to wait between these two steps. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
I usually wait 12-15 hours. 24 is a little much, though the longer the better. It helps to wait longer now, where we both live, because of the cold damp weather. This weather requires a longer time for sealant to cure and wax to harden.

If it is garage kept during the cure time you can go right to the wax, unless there is a ton of dust on the car.
I live in South Florida. Do I have to wait 12 hours or can I put the coats on a littler faster
I live in South Florida. Do I have to wait 12 hours or can I put the coats on a littler faster
Are you really looking for a response? Or just being funny?:bat:

Is this a typo on your site:
Q: How long does a wax job last?

A: Wax last anywhere between 4-8 week, but at Sully's Detailing we use nothing but high quality products. Since we ues 3 leaves of protection and high quality wax it will last 4-6 months.
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I never wait 12 hours I dunno if it is bad or not I wiat like 305 hours and apply another coat anything wrong with that?
I never wait 12 hours I dunno if it is bad or not I wiat like 305 hours and apply another coat anything wrong with that?
To honestly answer the question. Yes it matters. The first layer needs to set before applying something over it. If it hasn't set, then you are just removing it by applying the second layer. So if you waited 12.708 days(305 hours) that would be better.
I find, generally, that 8 hours works well with sealants.