Problem with swirls


New member
Nov 13, 2009
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I just purchased a Flex 3401 and CCs pads. I have a black 07 Vette with light to medium swirl marks. I am using Menzerna Intensive. I started a test spot with the white pad and that didn't do the trick. I switched to the orange pad with the Flex set at 4. That did a fairly good job. In the shade it looks beautiful, but in the sun, there is still swirls. I kicked the Flex up to 6 and applied a little more pressure but there are still just a few swirls. I have reapted the process about 4-5 times. I know the vette's clearcoat is very hard, but should it be that tough to remove the swirls. I am working the polish well, to a haze. What am I doing wrong ? Do I need to go to the green pad, or just keep repeating the procedure ?

Thanks in advance
Can you post some pics? How bad are the swirls? You may just need to move up to a more aggressive polish, repeating the process over and over will take too long. Good job starting with a test spot instead of doing the whole car and then checking!
Can you post some pics? How bad are the swirls? You may just need to move up to a more aggressive polish, repeating the process over and over will take too long. Good job starting with a test spot instead of doing the whole car and then checking!

Good for you for quitting.
September 28th was 23 years for me.
Keep up the good work. You can do it.
First, congrats A4 on kicking the habit!!!

Next petiebear, I too am in search of how to get all the imperfections out. I started out with a PC XP and purchased the following Menzerna products.

Power Gloss, SIP & Super Finish

I have the CCS 5.5" pads and tried combinations from Yellow, Orange, White and Black. I just never got out everything no many how times I did it. I looked at the patterns of the scratches and it wouldn't indicate they were coming from the pad.

So I ordered a Flex 3403 and got a mercedes black door from a paint shop and worked on it this weekend. I have some pix posted in a separate thread, looking for help with a 3403.

I know you're using the 3401 and I'm exchanging my XP for one this week. With the 3403, my best results were starting out with SIP & an orange pad or in some sections Power gloss with a purple wool 6.5". This left quite a bit of swirling so I would follow it up with SIP & an Orange.

One of the best results I came up with so far was ending with the Menzerna Nano Finish using a black pad on the 3403. In some cases I used the PC XP with a white and the Nano finish but I spent about 4 to 5 minutes on the section going extremely slow about 1" per sec at speed 6 and then I dropped the speed down to a 3 for the final minute and no pressure just let the machine continue to break down the polish.

I'm starting to get the suspicion that you just aren't going to get every scratch, swirl out. Mainly the ones that you can't see in a pix.

The other thing, in going through all my testing I noticed that sometimes, the towels I were using to clean the polish off sometimes would leave some light scratching barely visible.

A couple of times when i ran the back of my fingers which were clean across the metal to get a feel for temp as well as smoothness, they actually left some mico scratches. (Still can't believe they did.)

Other things I took away from my testing. With the PC XP it seemed that it would take forever to break down the polish and really never to the point of my 3403 Rotary. The rotary at 1500 to 1800 RPM would seem to break down most of my Menzerna's in about a minute or so. With that said, I don't know with the 3401 but the point is I think I actually ran my Rotary too long in some instances and that kept contributing some of the swirls I was seeing after some of my sessions.

Hopefully my new 3401 will be here tomorrow. I plan on attacking the panel with the Nano Finish and either a white or black(gray) pad at varying speeds and lengths of time. I'll my results and keep an eye on what you find out as well.

Also, I think patience is key, before just jumping in too far, check with a body shop with scrap piece from a Vette, Mercedes etc. I found a black MB door and Red Mustang fender. My steps got extremely good results on the Red and more reason I just have my doubts on something that's driven, whether you can expect to get out every imperfections. I'm not going to quite trying though.

Good Luck

P.S. I meant to say somewhere you may want to try the Super Insensive with an Orange and the finish up with the Nano Finish and a white or black pad.
The swirls after the orange pad could be marring from the pad. Use the orange pad with the IP, then step down to a finishing polish and pad. Let us know if that helps.
The swirls after the orange pad could be marring from the pad. Use the orange pad with the IP, then step down to a finishing polish and pad. Let us know if that helps.

Of the CCS pads, what would you recommend. I have the black and some reds and probably a blue somewhere.
Thanks guys! It's awkward not going through the routines of smoking, but it'll be worth it. Congrats on 23 years Petiebear!

I would say to finish with the Gray (black) or Blue pad, save Reds for LSP.
Since owning a a black vette myself either two things are happening. Like Louie said the orange pad could be marring or you still are not removing the swirls, this is very possible with just having those two polishes to use. It would be a good idea to pick up some Megs 105 when having a vette.
Well I have been going all day , but it was worth it. Someone suggested that I had to follow up the Menzerna Intensive with a finishing polish. I had some Adams Revive finishing polish and used it with the white pad . It came out really good. When I have time I will post some pics. But, thats the key, you have to follow up the Menzera Intensive with a finishing polish.

Thanks for help.

Sounds to me like what others have already suggested. Going from an orange LC with a more agressive polish down to a white LC with a finishing polish, you will most likely get the results you are looking for.
Well I have been going all day , but it was worth it. Someone suggested that I had to follow up the Menzerna Intensive with a finishing polish. I had some Adams Revive finishing polish and used it with the white pad . It came out really good. When I have time I will post some pics. But, thats the key, you have to follow up the Menzera Intensive with a finishing polish.

Thanks for help.


Revive is just a paint cleaner so what I think you did is fill in the marring. I would look into getting some 85rd and a few blue finishing pads to remove the light marring.

You are correct in following up after SIP, but like I said about getting a true finishing polish and pads.
Revive is just a paint cleaner so what I think you did is fill in the marring. I would look into getting some 85rd and a few blue finishing pads to remove the light marring.

You are correct in following up after SIP, but like I said about getting a true finishing polish and pads.

What is 85 rd ??
I know the vette's clearcoat is very hard, but should it be that tough to remove the swirls.
Yes. The harder the paint or more specifically, the more unworkable the paint the more difficult it will be to remove small particles of it with any abrading process.

Like Dana pointed out, M105 has been a real blessing when it comes to working on hard clear coats like most Corvettes have.

I am working the polish well, to a haze. What am I doing wrong ?

You don't want to buff to a dry buff, that will contribute to micro-marring as will an aggressive pad on a DA style polisher.

Just to comment, I received an e-mail from you about this over the weekend but couldn't get to the forum until today, (Monday), it looks like everyone here on the AG forum has already helped you to tweak your process and you're getting good results.

Like A4 1.8tqm already posted,

Good job starting with a test spot instead of doing the whole car and then checking!

It's important to dial-in a successful process before attempting to go over the entire car, especially cars that are known to have hard to work on clear coats.

The AG forum has again demonstrated their professionalism by chiming in and helping to see you through to success.
