Ghosting and halograms


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Oct 18, 2009
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Ghosting and holograms

What is the diffrence between the 2 and what causes them? What can be done to get rid of them?

Thanks for the help....:xyxthumbs:
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I have the same question. Can someone provide pics of each so I can better understand what your talking about. Thanks
They are from people that have a poor technique, wool pads, aggressive foam pads, aggressive polishes and compounds, and dirty pads. I have heard then called buffer trails, buffer marks, holograms, and ghosting. Here are a few pics.


So they are the samething just diffrent names for them?
completing ASPHALT ROCKET explanation...
how to get rid off it is to find the correct pads, polishing product, technique when we first attempt 'test panel' before we go through polishing whole section.
I tend to think of holograms as marring from the aggressive compounds or a polish that hasn't been broken down like Asphalt described. But I think of ghosting as something different.

It is the tendency for a product to leave behind some residue that was not completely removed that can be seen as darker streaks in the paint. I notice it mainly because I have a black car that seems to be particularly sensitive to either too much product or just certain products in general, but it is not marring or a paint defect... Just a bit of residue that is left behind as a darker 'shadow' in the paint if you will.