Polishes thining out in bottle

tuscarora dave

New member
Aug 21, 2009
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I have read threads on various detailing forums about the heat of summer thinning out polishes in the bottle rendering them watery and useless because of the heat inside of cars or trucks. I would like to hear from the mobile detailers about their experience with this problem.

I have a few particular questions regarding this.

1. do any of you "know" of a particular product line that is not effected by this type of heat.
2. If you have a favorite product line that is effected by this type of heat, what do you do to get around this problem.(refridgerate in coolers, carry all of your products back into the house or garage when finished for the day, etc.)

I bring all my products inside for the winter so the cold is not an issue for me as I normally do not detail in the winter months.

I have 37 steps leading up the hill to my house and no garage so it is a real pain carrying bags of products back into the house daily, So I would like to try some reccomended products (if there are any) that are not effected by the heat of keepeng them in my van all summer. Thanks for any insight you all may have to offer, Happy Holidays...TD