Should I restore my headlights?


New member
May 30, 2009
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Hey guys,
Well I have been skeptical and debating if I should restore my headlights or not. Now, my car is a 2006 and the headlights ARE NOT cloudy or yellow at all... just a lot of knicks here and there. It just has a rough feeling to it, but they are clear as can be. I just want them to feel smooth. My question is, is this even worth doing and will it shorten the life of my headlights by wetsanding them down with 2500-3000 grit? Or should I do it one good time and maintain in? The knicks are from the previous owner probably from a lot of highway driving. What is a good sealant that I can buy off of AG?

Will this be fine? Diamondite® Clear Plastic Liquid Armor
or is there something cheaper and more effective? Thanks guys...
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From the sounds of it you would not benefit much from a restoration. I wouldn't sand or polish off the existing protection if they still look fine.

Perhaps just give them a good claying and then use the Diamondite to keep them protected farther.

Typically, headlight restoration is an aggressive approach and should only be considered when visibility (and in turn lens clarity) is affected. I think you'd be doing more harm than good to do yours at this moment.

I would leave them be, what ever uv coating they have will be stripped. If you sand them down I would be worth the $$ to spray them with clear.
It is not worth restoring because the lights are not yellowing or cloudy. Once you sand the headlights, the protective coating on the headlights will not be there anymore. Thus causing you to restore your headlights every six months to a year. I do not recommend restoring headlights unless they are cloudy or yellowing.
Great, thanks. That was pretty much the answers I was striving for, just wanted clarification. I guess I will live with the knicks until later on in the years. I have restored multiple headlights, but I always get goosebumps stripping away layers and layers of the coatings! When it comes to my personal things... I always strive perfection.

What is a good sealant to on and most cost effective? Thanks guys..
+1 for what everyone else has said. I wouldn't do anything just yet as you'll remove the UV protection that is remaining.

What is a good sealant to on and most cost effective? Thanks guys..

If you're talking about a sealant for your headlight lenses, whatever sealant or wax you're using on the car at the time will do the trick.

If I'm using P21s 100%, then I'll give any clear plastic a coat with that. Last time, I used 303 Aerospace on my brake light lenses so didn't use WG DGPS on the plastic (was curious as to how it would work). It gave them a very "clear" and clean look.
i would get the 3M headlight kit and use the 3000 grit... then the polish!!

or at the least, if you have some polishes at your place, just use those... or get the 3M kit, use the 3" backing plate and buff pad, and use your polishes... and just save the rest of the kit for other headlight resto's.
First off... No Joe Joe you dont need to restore your headlights you are being too anal hahahahahaha just kidding brother (He is my friend/roommate just so everyone knows im not being a douche)

I would leave them be, what ever uv coating they have will be stripped. If you sand them down I would be worth the $$ to spray them with clear.

What do you mean spray them with clear? Like paintgun aircompressor and all? or like rattle can clear? Ive heard people say that but I dont know the process or product to use and I am curious
paint gun/air brush is preferred (better quality clear). But spray can version can be used as well.
like this
[video=youtube_share;uNaAE5mb3FY&feature=related]- Ford Mustang Headlight Lens Restoration Repair[/video]
paint gun/air brush is preferred (better quality clear). But spray can version can be used as well.
like this
[URL="]- Ford Mustang Headlight Lens Restoration Repair[/URL]

what did they use to actually clean the headlight? our mustang has headlights that bad, actually looked exactly the same. i just replaced them since my buddy wanted his gone for cheap. they were nice clear aftermarket ones...
Wet sand them (1000+grit) then use a polishing pad (white and if I need a lil more umf green) and then seal with either a wax/sealant or clear them for a longer solution.