Odd Question - Smell


New member
Mar 16, 2009
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Hello Everyone,

Here is my biggest problem with detailing the interior of anyones vehicle. That problem is, I can no longer smell, or taste, anything since 2001. I know when you use APC, and other products, it will leave a wonder smell inside vehicles. I akways advise my clients that I can't smell, so, I do not know what the interior of their vehicle will smell like when I've completed the detail.

Do any of you use anything to correct the harsh smells inside vehicles? :help:

Ahhhhh....... The joys of brain damage. Told ya this is an odd question.
that's a tough one. I'm no expert but it seems that before masking or covering any odor, whether intentionally or not you have to remove what's causing the smell. There are different chemicals for different odor causing things. Grease stains require degreasers, protein stains require an enzyme....something along those lines. After these are all removed, then you have the optional step of adding smell whether it's with a dedicated 'smell good product' or an added scent to a protectant for example.
Since you can't smell anything, I see where it might cause you to be uneasy.

Outside of cleaning interior, do you typically use some sort of odor control or fruity, new car, leather scented stuff?
Well, after I clean the interior of vehicles, using harsh stuff, I spray some Auto Magic Magic Dressing on the carpets inside the vehicle. I use to use that item quite a bit in the past. Used it when I could smell, so, all of my clients loved it when I used it. I still have some and that is what I still use.

As for the oder smells, I'm looking to buy odor wipe-out or odor fogger system. Not an AG product though. :( That product(s) is over $250 +.

btw - there is one very odd sinse that I have and it kinda shocks people and doctors. I can smell/sense fuel. Not fuel at a gas station. Fuel smell in a vehicle and THEY can't smell it. Not really sure how I can do that one. Docs would like to know it as well. lol
hmm that is kinda strange. but hey-as for sticking to what clients like, that is what I would continue to do. In my short side detailing history, I've basically gotten rid of the smells then done a variety of things to add a scent. I've placed vanilla tablets under a seat, hung a cinaberry tree on the mirror, sprayed ozium, duragloss odor spray etc...
Well, after I clean the interior of vehicles, using harsh stuff, I spray some Auto Magic Magic Dressing on the carpets inside the vehicle. I use to use that item quite a bit in the past. Used it when I could smell, so, all of my clients loved it when I used it. I still have some and that is what I still use.

As for the oder smells, I'm looking to buy odor wipe-out or odor fogger system. Not an AG product though. :( That product(s) is over $250 +.

btw - there is one very odd sinse that I have and it kinda shocks people and doctors. I can smell/sense fuel. Not fuel at a gas station. Fuel smell in a vehicle and THEY can't smell it. Not really sure how I can do that one. Docs would like to know it as well. lol

Go to Home Depot and get some air and fabric odor eliminator made by Zep. Stuff smells awesome and isnt overpowering and lasts a long time, and at $1.50 for a 32oz spray bottle very cheap. All my clients love the smell, its like a clean fresh air smell.
I fell your pain I can't smell either. I usally go over board with the ferbreeze or griots leather scent
If client complains of smokey interior use Duragloss Odor Absorber, if they complain of stail musty air consider the Einszett Klima-Kleaner. And if they just wanna smell special use one of the foggers or Griots scents.
Most of the time - the smell of nothing is better than the smell of anything on an interior. People are very picky about what smells they like.
You may love a smell (assuming you could smell it), your customer may hate it.

If the job is to eliminate odors - well, then you could only do the best you can anyway, ask for feedback.

I never add anything to make a freshly detailed interior to smell better unless it is still foul smelling after working on it. After everything is clean with an interior cleaner (plastics, carpet, upholstery, glass...) then there usually isn't much of a smell left - except maybe a hint of what you used to clean, which should smell good in the first place and be non-offensive to most.

One exception would be the DP Total Interior Cleaner and Protectant. It has a faux banana smell that turns my stomach. However, I just bought a gallon of it because it works so well. That and the smell usually leaves pretty quickly.

Well, here is one thing I do when I detail the interior. I place the steamer in front of each of the air vents. From what I've been advised, that nocks out a good amount of bad smells.
i don't think you should do that. could promote mold or mildew?
Sometimes if the smell comes from the vents the best thing to do is to change the interior air filter that's under the dash.Some people don't realize there is a filter there
Manly tip to score on a chick: When a hot chick is about to ride with you, put your finger right up to your favorite cologne bottles sprayer and press it so your fingertip is wet with cologne. Lightly dab it on an airvent or two. Set the temperature to between hot and cold. Man its great. True stuff too! :)
Well, instead of buying new products for now, I would simply ask for your customer's opinion in a subtle way or have a relative or friend have a smell. If they revolt and run away, you are in trouble, but most likely if you haven't heard any complaints then it is fine!