How often to polish...


New member
Jul 22, 2009
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I dont have a machine to polish yet and I am looking into getting one so I still have questions. One of them being how often can I polish my car? i know it depends on each car since the elements and paint will always be different. but I know when you polish with a machine you are actually taking a very thin layer of clearcoat off... So if i was to polish by machine 3 times a year would that be too many? how many times could I polish before risking taking most of all the clearcoat off? Thanks
Depends on how you go about polishing the car...... if you maintain your vehicle you will only need a light polishing twice a year (after and before winter) you can do this without the fear of decreasing your clear.

If you are talking about doing a harsh polishing to get it to perfect than you may run into some problems but than again I'm sure you are going to be using a DA or a Flex not a Rotary. So that wont be a problem either

Once you get your car to how you like it than twice a year should be all it takes with a light polish to make it shine and if you have a good washing technique than you will not need any more than a light polish. You may not need a polishing at all just protection.

I dont have a machine to polish yet and I am looking into getting one so I still have questions. One of them being how often can I polish my car? i know it depends on each car since the elements and paint will always be different. but I know when you polish with a machine you are actually taking a very thin layer of clearcoat off... So if i was to polish by machine 3 times a year would that be too many? how many times could I polish before risking taking most of all the clearcoat off? Thanks
Tough questions to answer. Most polish twice a year. Your intial polish will be the harshest on your paint, but with proper washing and drying techniques you will only need a light polish the next time and thereafter.
Thanks it will be polished with a DA 7424XP..... i am just afraid of polishing it to oftern and having clear problems in 2-3 yrs...
Thanks it will be polished with a DA 7424XP..... i am just afraid of polishing it to oftern and having clear problems in 2-3 yrs...

That wont happen at all, like we said you will just be doing an aggressive polish the first time (bear in mind that's like micrometers really nothing lol) and than light polishes after that no need to worry bout the clear :dblthumb2:
to be clear.... the orange pad with a stronger polish the first time...then maybe just a white pad with lighter polish right? thanks again
to be clear.... the orange pad with a stronger polish the first time...then maybe just a white pad with lighter polish right? thanks again
Alway's use the least aggressive polish and pad first. Do a test area to see if you are getting the results you want before continuing.
Alway's use the least aggressive polish and pad first. Do a test area to see if you are getting the results you want before continuing.

Do you think it would be worth it to start off with a LC gray or blue pad first or are those pads not aggressive enough? I'm guessing that doing a light polish would require no more than a white pad.
Do you think it would be worth it to start off with a LC gray or blue pad first or are those pads not aggressive enough? I'm guessing that doing a light polish would require no more than a white pad.

Start off with a white pad (polishing) and see if it corrects what you want done and if not bump it up the the orange pad (light cut) do a small area and get it to exactly how you want it than do the entire car with same process :buffing: