Cobra Gold Plush XL Microfiber Towel alternative?


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Apr 28, 2009
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Hi!!!, since the very nice Cobra Gold Plush XL Microfiber towel 25x36 inch is out of stock (According to customer care it will arrive by the beginning of April) what do you think is a good alternative to that excellent big all purpose/drying towel?...I was thinking a good alternative should be the Carrand Microfiber MAX Supreme Drying Towel 25x36 inch because looking at the photos it seams almost the same...anyone tried that Carrand towel? What do you think about? Is almost the same as the Cobra Gold Plush XL? Thanks in advance!!!!
I love the Guzzler. If you try to dry the whole car with just one, though, you will likely have to wring it out. Personally, I use an electric leaf blower to blow the big stuff off, then finish drying the car with just one towel.

I bought the Guzzler combo. Use the larger one for the exterior and then the smaller one for the door jambs and trunk.
I really can not say enough about how well the ULTMATE GUZZLER works. I have 3 of them I know have been washed close to 100 times each and they are still performing like day one. All edgeing still intact and absorbing as well as ever.
the original green guzzlers still work well for me ..
Hi! Thanks for the replies...I have plenty of Guzzlers and I love them!!!, As Scott I LOVE MF!!!!! I also like the Cobra Gold Plush XL and I am trying to reestock those MF with one almost the same (The Gold plush XL are out of stock) as looking at photos and due to size is the same I was wondering if someone tried the Carrand Microfiber MAX Supreme Drying Towel...anyone had it on his hands? Is almost the same as the Cobra Gold Plush XL? Thanks in advance!
Here's a little comparison for you...

Gold Plush towel is on top, Carrand on the bottom. I used the 16x24 Gold Plush towel, which is the same towel just smaller than the 25x36.


Edging....Gold Plush has microfiber edges, which are IMO safer than the silk edges on the Carrand.


This is the "shorter" nap side. Notice the Cobra is denser and more plush.


Matt, Wow!!! what a very good comparison!!!! Thanks for taking the time to compare them and clarify this doubt. As I always say: AG Customer Care is AWESOME!!!!!!:dblthumb2: now I have all the tools in my hand to take a decision! Again thanks A LOT!