Proper measuring


New member
Mar 29, 2008
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I would like to purchase a few products that require you to measure the proper amount. Ex. When a product requires a measurement of say 4 to 1 how do you accurately measure this amount?
Wal Mart has like 24oz spray bottles for $0.98 each near the mop/broom stuff that have dilution ratios on the side. I use ALOT of those because I could not justify spending $4 on a single bottle/sprayer. Distilled water, various APC dilutions, clay lube, wetsanding lube, etc.

You can buy one of the spray bottles and the sprayer screws right onto anIPA bottle with no leaks.

Wal Mart also has squeezable bottles in the cooking ware section that are like 12oz. Perfect for sampling or for rationing.
Measuring cup and a funnel.

For a normal 32oz bottle, I would use 24oz water and 6oz product. 24oz water:6oz product is 4 parts water to 1 part product. The total amount of product would be 30oz (24oz water + 6oz product).

For comparison, 5:1 would be 25oz water and 5oz product, making a total of 30oz.

A good bottle will have accurate oz measurements for every 2 ounces and some bottles, such as the Meguiar's Detailer bottles offer pre-labeled markers for 4:1 and 10:1 dilution ratios right on the bottle.

Using a measuring cup will give accurate measurements for all those generic bottles that do not have any markers. Using a funnel will make filling the bottle easy and will eliminate/reduce potential spills.
Dear, I bought three SprayMaster Heavy Duty Spray Bottle 32 oz, composited in order to make them. But the truth rather than help build the mixtures complicate me, I will explain why: I understand perfectly what is a relationship 1:1, 2:1, 4:1, and others. But what happens? I put the bottle to where it is for example the 5:1 ratio but this would be the complete filling down the relationship would have to say which is the product to lower that 5:1, the same for the other measures but there computing and one to go and it becomes less practical. Now if there is another way to do this please ask me to explain because I do not understand.

Thank you very much