Message from Max Re: Four Star Products

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Super Moderator
Mar 3, 2006
Reaction score
Message from Max…..

"As of April 1, 2006 Four Star Products and Premium Auto Care have transferred management to Perfect Shine LLC, which is operated by David Ostroff and David Byron (part of the Autopia Group).

As with any new management team, their business plans differ from previous management. has discontinued Four Stars products, as our business plans do not coincide. We wish Rick Vaal of Four Star products and his new management team continued success in their future business endeavors.

We hope this decision does not inconvenience our customers. We will be adding new product lines in the next four to six weeks, in addition to expanding our own ever-growing product lines.

Thank you for your continued support"
Max and the team!
Interesting news.... But a little off topic, Hey why dont you guys make Max an account on the forum. It would be GREAT if Max himself dropped in from time to time.
wow thats bad. :mad: Will it still be called 4-star ? i really like the 4* line but does this mean that 4-star is dead or just being bought by the autopia guys ? ..

btw: whats the direct 4-star web site ?
LynchMOB said:
Interesting news.... But a little off topic, Hey why dont you guys make Max an account on the forum. It would be GREAT if Max himself dropped in from time to time.
Lynch I will run that by Max, till then you are stuck with me :eek:
I am sure Max will not be opposed to stopping in, he is a busy man, but never too busy for you guys! ;)
I will work on it for you!
Well Meghan, I would not consider it "STUCK" with you. No worries... I just thought it would be nice to see Max's name at the top of a post with maybe.... I dont know instead of "moderator" it said "DA BOSS" :D
Max & the Team:

Let me be the first to say that I support whatever business decisions you need to make, even though I am saddened that you will no longer be carrying 4* products. I look forward to seeing your new product lines in the coming weeks; and am sure they will be top notch and high quality like everything else you and your staff endeavor to do and provide to the detailing community.

LynchMOB said:
Interesting news.... But a little off topic, Hey why dont you guys make Max an account on the forum. It would be GREAT if Max himself dropped in from time to time.
Yeah and have him pick up the phones while hes at it :rolleyes: .I'll Roll with the Punches. Whatever decision you guys at AG roll with it i'll Roll with you.

I did NOT see this one coming ....
Interesting news about 4 Star. I was hearing whispers about another product line that was being aquired by David B. Just have to wait and see, I guess.
Max won't post.

No Balls. No ethic.

Couldn't possibly explain or justify his hidden agendas.

Bynon has been stalking his action for at least three years.

Looks like they reached a gentlemen's agreement.

Wonder what is next?
Jimmy Buffit said:
Max won't post.

No Balls. No ethic.

Couldn't possibly explain or justify his hidden agendas.

Bynon has been stalking his action for at least three years.

Looks like they reached a gentlemen's agreement.

Wonder what is next?

I saw this post that night and was glad Jason responded. It simply amazed me that someone would come on to anothers specific forum and try to insinuate something sinister took place. Its kinda like pooping on someones porch. If you dont like it .... then dont visit. While we try to appease each client , you cannot always do so in business. Heavy thought went into releasing this line, and immediately the task became what to replace it with so as to enhance our product line not simply reduce it.

I would highly suggest to any forum member to pickup the telephone and call Max or Jason if you feel something needs further explanation. I suspect they will be forthcoming, although they truly dont need to. Digging up rumors and spreading them does absolutely no good to the companies in question and can sometimes foster issues that were never there to begin with.

I am closing this post as it does not good to rehash the issue. We wish Four Star the best in their future business plan, and we will continue on our quest to offer the best of the best in detailing. I will allow Jason or Max to reopen if they feel appropriate.
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