Bird Crap


New member
Feb 20, 2010
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I've got a new pickup that I'm trying to keep looking new. However, every day the birds like to hang out on my tailgate or the side of the bed and crap all over the paint. Once in a while is bad enough, but this is literally a daily thing. Any recommendations on deterrents? Rubber snakes in the bed? Fake owl? Anything?

Nuff said.
After you've splattered a few of them over the paint with the suggested method by action detail and the vultures come to eat those and they start crapping vulture sized crap on your paint then go for exactly what you suggested. An owl or snake should work great depedning on the birds.

When i take my car to work their is a red cardinal that is in love with loooking in the mirror and pecking at his reflection but he doesn't seem to scratch it up too much.

One time I had a bird come land on my canvas top while I was sitting in my office. I saw him through the window so I took my rubber band and went outside. Now I would like to remain humble but must say I am quite a shot with the rubber band and could have done some serious damage. However I just wanted to scare him off so I gave him a fair pop an his side (perfect shot) but not too hard and he hasn't been back.
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glue on the edge of the bed. or build a garage.or:iagree: I have a hawk by me, if you want to borrow him you can.
Seriously though, I have a bunch of birds that live in a tree directly over where I park my truck. I just go out every so often with my leaf blower, aim it up in the tree and let 'em have it. Keeps 'em away.
I really don't know what you can do.Can you park away from the tree? You might be able to get one of those fake owls,but after awhile they get used to them and then they crap on the owl
Wow! Some really good (and humorous) suggestions. The problem occurs at my work parking lot, so building a garage is out. And there are no trees where I park - the birds actually camp out on my truck, not above it. And I have to drive through a security checkpoint to get to work - the Glock would be frowned upon (although that is my favorite solution). Keep the ideas coming!
adopt a cat ? I really don't know!! What else guys someone else chime in
Ahhh isn't that special. The local kids will think he's the ice cream man.:laughing:
Yea..use your glock..the birds would make great target practice. I have an XMD 40..I'll come join ya
1. Buy a cheap cover;
2. Some type of remote controlled recorder with the sound of a
cat screeching.
Ahhh isn't that special. The local kids will think he's the ice cream man.:laughing:

Yeah, but what would they think if I drove by with a flock of birds with their little feet glued to my truck?:laughing:
on a serious note, i would just buy a nylon cover. that would probably be your best option.
Yeah, but what would they think if I drove by with a flock of birds with their little feet glued to my truck?:laughing:
That's better than having a bunch of children hanging around your truck because of those pinwheels. right?:laughing:
That's better than having a bunch of children hanging around your truck because of those pinwheels. right?:laughing:

Very true. We gave our kids electric scooters this past Christmas. I get nervous every time I see them ride anywhere near our vehicles.
[ame=]YouTube - Ford Focus Kills a Bird[/video]
Get some metal rails and toolbox and wire a battery to them, if a bird lands he'll get shocked and tell all his friends not to go around that truck.