Applying a finishing polish?


New member
Sep 8, 2009
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Never really got the real answer or technique to this. I know it's always good to follow up with a finishing polish after cutting.

So the cutting method is - 6 passes, slow, 50% overlaps and this is with a Flex 3401.

As for applying a finishing polish, this is what I've heard so far:
White LC pad, speed 5 on a Flex 3401 or
Cut with a Flex 3401, finish with a PC on speed 6 and/or
Little to no pressure when applying a finishing polish? Moving the buffer a little faster and less passes with the finishing polish?

So what's the real mystery and technique in applying a finishing polish?

I think that would be dependent upon what type of polish is in question.

So what's the real mystery and technique in applying a finishing polish?

The goal is to maximize the best potential finish results by refining and improving the results achieved by the previous correction polishing work.

What is required to do this depends upon the paint to start with as some paints polish easier than others, then pad, product and process.

A good basic practice would be to apply the product and work it over the surface starting out with firm pressure and then lightening your downward pressure towards the end of the buffing cycle for the section you're working on.

All this should be done in your test spot before you go over the entire car so you know whether you can get the results you're looking for and hoping for with your choice of pads, products and process. Process = the tool you use and you're technique.

Mike, I just started detailing cars recently back in Febuary, so with only 2 months of experience, I am still an amateur but I have done over 30 cars and I only do this part-time, but the most important process I have learned is the test spot. At first I just skimmed through Mike's post about the test spot and summarized it as seeing what type of compound to use, then do the entire car and follow up with a polish, etc etc. Needless to say I have read all of your How-To's about 10-12 times now because the first car I did took me 3 full days and I wanted it to be perfect and it came out wonderfully, thanks to your write ups, and of course help on the forum.

Now, I spend about an 30-60min on a test spot on the hood. Sometimes when I'm at 99% correction I will try a different polish just for the hell of it to see what happens.

anson89, I've searched for how-to's on finishing polishes and jeweling but after trying it many times on different vehicles I have found that it is very dependent on the paint you are working with.

Anyways, I don't know what process you use or what products you use, and it would be helpful to know, but as far as the finishing with a fine polish I spread the polish around, turn on 3 on Flex or 4-4.5 on PC, let it eat with slightly firm pressure and then lighten up. I make 4-7 slow slow slow passes and the last 2 passes hardly have any pressure on them.

I've seen your pictures, and unfortunately I only have a $100 camera and a house that's covered with a bunch of trees so getting pure sun shots and perfect lighting is rare for my pictures. Either way, pictures do not do a good detail's job justice.

Good luck.